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dubdub (7)



@ Barclays I was concerned about this as I really don't like Seth Mac Farlane's type of humour but to my great surprise this is really a fun little show to watch: if you like Star Trek Next Generation you'll dig this show, it's pretty much the same thing with the same tone and asks surprisingly interesting questions about culture, social issues, what kind of misunderstandings could arise from living/working with alien civilizations, etc... there is some very light tongue in cheekeness that goes on at times which is pure Seth Mac Farlane stupidity, I ignore as it's not funny but it's so minimal it does not spoil the show. I'm really enjoying this show. Did a bit of research and turns out Mac Farlane's a serious trekky and really just wanted to do a star trek show, so he called it the Orville but it's really Star Trek Next Gen lol. Haven't brought myself to watch this new series yet as the trailer looked horrid. I have great memories of TNG and so am enjoying Orville very much because it's basically a TNG remake with a little tongue in cheek thrown in. It's just a fun show to watch. Will wait to see how quickly this new start trek series gets cancelled, if it survives one season I might choke it down ;) Sooo agree - I am NOT impressed by the new season so far - ffs who is writing this s**t! ***spoiler alerts*** That unsecured mini fridge with a f'ing spotlight on the seeds drove me nuts...I mean make an effort no? Put the things is a safe where the bad guys have to come up with some plan to get them out! Also how they didn't pat down the greek girl or cuff her before sending her off with Slaterry by himself ...just like they were able to hang out windows with machine guns and NOT ONE of the 20 people by the pool see them, not to mention that they had like 10 good minutes to kill the bad guy by the pool from afar but wait until he's behind a pilar to start shooting etc... I could go on and on...I feel like the writers are phoning it in and the actors too at this stage because their lines and actions are such rubbish they can't take it seriously -so disapointed! I was looking forward to this show coming back! Last season wasn't as good as the previous ones but I still had hope - I was wrong. I know! It's really crazy. He's kept himself in serious proper shape all his life and it shows. Now face wise he's had quite a bit of work done, I mean 2 years ago he looked better than he did when he was 40 years old - lol - A mixture, as soon as I got home went searching on the internet for explanations because it was so brilliantly done. Depending on the scene it was done with the main actress Noomi playing all the different characters and reacting to her own voice recording and then all the scenes were colated to be put into once scene (ex: dinner table with all the sisters chatting) IN scenes where you didn't need to see the face of both (or more) sisters at the same time (fighting sequences, certain shots where you see the the other siblings from the back) body doubles were used. It was really well done and that actress Noomi Rapace blew me away. Hope she gets nominated for a bunch of awards: she really deserves it for this movie Regarding the grandfather of the seven sisters, in the opening scene there is dialogue with a doctor and this is what they say: the mother of the seven sisters knew she was pregnant with septuplets and didn't want to keep just one child. To avoid the other babies be confiscated by the bureau she chose to give birth in a clandestine clinic. BUt as this clinic is clandestine they don't have all the equipment that a proper hospital would have, so when there were complications the doctor did not have the means to save the mother so she died. Now the grandfather says he and his daughter weren't close so he has no idea who the father of the kids are, so he decides to bring them up himself. Just saw the movie yesterday and was blown away by the story and acting! To answer your question indigodaddy: ***SPOILER ALERTS**** Monday's fetuses were taken out of her so they could keep maturing as she was dying. They were put in an incubator in a neo natal ward. When the camera pulls back to show dozens and dozens of screaming babies in this one neo natal ward, we get back to the issue at hand which is : overpopulation. The movie poses a very difficult question: they present a world where there are too many humans. The "one child policy"'s enforcement is terrible, there is no denying it BUT what is the solution? If they don't curtail the population growth the world will go into worldwide famine and civilization will fall apart. We follow Monday and her sisters throughout the whole story, we see and hear how this one city is just overrun by humans, anytime the characters step into the street you just have a sea of humans, it's demented. We feel for these sisters and their yearning to live and be themselves. But then that neonatal unit brings us crashing back down to reality: there are no easy answers. Once Cayman gets exposed the one child policy is rolled back due to public outcry, pregnant wormen come out of the woodwork and natality goes up again and so we see in this one neo natal unit the dozens and dozens of new borns. What world will they inherit? The food shortage has not been in case one thought this was some kind of happy ending, that final scene reminds us that it isn't. The original problem is still there. It does not offer a solution, it just reminds us that the original issue is still there...just brilliant IMO. I thought this was really clever :) View all replies >