MovieChat Forums > mitzibishi > Replies
mitzibishi's Replies
The question is what content do you think we should enjoy?
What should men replace their hobbies with in your eyes?
What are your hobbies?
What entertainment do you consume that is much better than Superhero films?
Now let me guess, men shouldnt have hobbies, if it's not time spent devoted to you and your wants its a waste of time. If a man is not gathering resources to deliver to you its time spent on frivulous activities.
I'm betting you also hate men watching sports in their spare time and can't understand why they get so worked up about it.
So you expect your man to sit with you and watch trashy reality shows about women acting like children?
>while the two women are rolling their eyes and making plans to ditch the men
Your shaming tactics wont work either. Basically saying "men who like superheo films will be ditched by women". When thats not even true and the fact is men dont care and just do what they want anyhow's.
Also that you have taken this to Twitter also shows something has really put a bug up your ass.
Are you sure you werent dumped on a date so 2 guys can talk about their hobbies?
Or just dumped because you are trying to take away the tiny slice of joy a man gets between working and filling it with your idea of time well spent.
>I've made no claims as to knowing any inside details about the inner working of Hollywood.
>Back in Hollywood's studio days what you wrote may have been accurate, but today's producers and directors are given far more leeway when it comes to making decisions about their films, including casting, then before.
>and have no used an example of casting Chinese actors, or setting films in China, in order to make money. Which is it?
I dont need to make a list because Time wrote a lengthy article doing just that for me. Looks like you ignored it.
A lot of films are being tailored or changed to give more appeal to Chinese audiences, to avoid the strict cencorship certain story areas will not be touched. Like I said if you watch Transformers 4 and are scratching your head as to why the story suddenly transports to China and then claim the script has not been changed to appeal to a Chinese audience you are not as smart as you think you are.
Claims to be a filmbuff, claims to know inside details of hollyweird that they dont make decisions based on moving beans up and down an abacus.
They place actors which appeal to demographics and even change locations that were originally in the script or tailor the writing of the script to have these actors in cameos or supporting roles and feature certain locations to appeal to a demographic, just like in Transformers 4 when they suddenly popped up in China.
Before a film can be released in China it has to go through the Chinese censoring board so films are tailored for that market if they dont go through reshoots to include China only scenes.
No thanks, i've heard enough from you
a single click after watching a film takes a lot less of your time than ranting and trolling in forums. It's more productive time overall because the majority of those posts have disappeared into the ether while your ratings are still there. You can go back and see how you rated a film at the time and after a rewatch see how it held up.
Truth is you do have a ratings list. Its just your list will show you to be a liar who has not seen a million movies.
Highlighting one of the directors worst movies does not prove a point.
Francis Ford Coppalla is a godawful filmmaker, and if you disagree you haven't seen "Godfather 3" recently!1!!
> [–] Otter (5563) a few seconds ago
I dont have an IMDB rating list, I have a job and a life.
5563 Posts, [b]5563 Posts[/b]
lets have a look at your imdb rating list and we can count how many you have seen.
heres mine
Stallone is a pretty good writer, director and actor when his ego and cocaine doesnt get in the way.
Your husband ignore you in favour of comic books?
How do you explain all the Chinese actors slotted into parts. There are plenty of decisions influenced by statisticains looking at demographics and percentages
Why do some women call themselves princesses and watch Disney princess films?
Why on their wedding day do they want to cosplay as a princess for a day.
Why is 50 Shades one of the most popular films for a female audience, a story of plain Jane naive girl who gets into an abusive relationship with a millionaire and the story arc is that she fixes him and he settles down.
Super Hero- overcoming the characters personal obstacles building character and defeating the evil bad guy and or saving the world.
50 Shades, a millionaire taking a shine to a basic, overcoming an abusive relationship and defeating his assholishness until he is locked down.
I know which one I'd rather watch multiple films of.
Pirates of the Caribean sequels good. The Thing, Blade Runner, Shawshank Redemption suck!
Ive seen many comments from those bad ass types in forums, Reddit etc about having a gun or shooting a gun to show how badass they are.
Nerds who wouldnt hurt a fly without a killer bolt at their hand. Total badasses with gun, without gun, not so much.
ouch, can't stop the logic
yeh, ok. Im sure they have a calculator out at every audition.
Committee meetings with graphs, pie charts, flow charts connecting the dots, putting in the chess pieces as to what makes the most money for the studios right now.
You may think it's sarcasm but it's not.
I like non white actors in the better roles. But you can see Hollyweird moving the chess pieces around putting certain demographics in place, putting actors, especially young actors in a pigeon box based on thier race and look, which according SJWs is racist in itself.
I know because is I used the "SJW" term you wanna go alll nuts and crazy, but hear this out.
If Hollyweird were so adament about bringing who is best for the job to the screen, why has there been no live action Spiderman who was "not white" and only have "his" school friends "minorities". Especially when they have been banging the drum about diversity.
So its about diversity or who is best for the job or about having a white in the lead and diversity character actors, comedic supporting actors who are non white to give a film "flavour".
Its all about calculators in a boardroom. Simple as that.
Math is not racist. only the art and marketing can be racist.
there was lot of laugh in theatre of (insert movie tile), the audiense loved (insert movi title), you do'nt want to miss out on ( insert movie tile)!
I'm 82 years old from (insert lokashyion here) and teach school kids inglish and iI did thought dat (insert filum title here) filum was the best I ever seen!
Rodriguez is hired as a competent yes man nowadays. He can't even get funding for his own passion projects and has to take a paint by numbers film to direct, like Alita.
The board of suits give him a paint by numbers page and say there you go and Rodriguez says yes, competently directs without much flare because he isnt given enough leeway to bring any flair, he brings it in on time on budget.
Thats his thing now for studio movies.
Who cares what sexuality or race the actors or characters are.
You seemed to care more about that than bringing a good story.
So what, you see a gay character or actor on screen, nod once, then what?
The rest of the films garbage, oooh but it was LBTG friendly!!!
It will bring all of that LBGT money out and create a 40 year fan base because they showed same sex characters and sort of inferred that they may be in a relationship.
Its fake, the next poster is Rhian Jonson crouched down straining to take a shit into his hand, then standing up and handing it to J.J., "there you go fucker" is the tag line.
And Rhian is holding his other hand out with a middle finger raised, thats for the cis white male fans who just cant let go of the previous films and question the quality control. Fucking man babies!
MST3K or RiffTrax is the only way to watch some of the low budget bad movies. They are poorly paced and edited leaving them boring. They usually think every frame recorded is gold and should be left in when its just drab added on top of drab.
100m+ studio movies may have people in place to make sure the film is moving along to hit a certain timeframe, Thats not saying they could be well edited just pacier.
Congo is a good catch but the thing is I think its aware its bad. Something like Green Lantern went all out to be the next Spiderman or equivalent superhero and just dropped every singe ball and added some major in plot corporate advertising with all the hot wheels stuff.