alanparsons's Replies

Lmao the 2 of you are trying way too hard. We can tell you're lying. "You must hate that I, a Republican since Reagan, feel Trump is an embarrassment to the party" Nope, literally don't care. If you're not lying your ass off about being a Republican and are too stupid to see Trump is the first President since Reagan enacting actual conservative policies and laws, then that's on you. Donald Trump has been amazing, unlike this DC Franchise. I love kicking back and watching moron leftists complain about the man who is making their country and their lives better. Lol. Sjw's ruined movies by bitching and hollywood caved in. It's obvious it's the only thing that gets to them. People are not going to stop watching movies, so complaining is the only option. And Idon't care about the number of faces of appropriate color you colossal douchebag. I care that white characters (and only white characters) are being replaced. I don't have a problem with race mixing. I have a problem with the blatant anti white propaganda in the media. White women are made to be the partner for every race of men in movies and tv shows and tv commercials. Rap songs have no issue using the term "white bitch". "White trash" is an openly used racially derogatory word. White men are often made to appear inferior, weak, nerdy. In way too many commercials and movies and tv shows, whit women are made to be the partners for every kind of man, yet no other race of females is constantly shown this way. They have been replacing traditionally white characters in movies and shows with non-white characters. It couldn't be more obvious that there's an agenda to replace white people. It's a modern subversive form of genocide. And if you claim you have any issue with the disappearance of white people you are attacked and labeled a racist. I'm literally watching Europe turn more and more non white, and no other race is experiencing this. Japan is taking in no refugees, yet there is no attacking them and calling them racist. Why isn't China taking in 1.5 million Africans a year? Saudi Arabia? Qatar? South Korea? Turkey? Why is every white nation on Earth required to take in these people and if we don't ee are considered racist? And when they show up to our lands, there is a heavy effort to get us to mix? Germany and Sweden have both released government pamphlets teaching migrants how to to have sex with German and Swedish women. Here in Ireland we have tv commercials showing classrooms with only three or four actual Irish children and the other 15 children are african and arab and oriental - and they are telling us meet the future "Irish". We are being fucking replaced and it's not even being hidden. Whites are not an extreme minority... yet... Ireland is around 20% non-white right now. The UK is trying to leave the EU and those efforts are being sabotaged. I have 3 kids. This shouldn't be a race to see who can produce the most babies. Just keep the non whites in their own countries and stop flooding them into Europe. I'm here calling out the constant propaganda in the media that is actively trying to destroy white people. I'm Irish dumbass. Why would you assume I'm American? I'm watching my country become less Irish by the day. And I see it all across Europe. And though America is not originally native white, there seems to be celebration that it's becoming less white. It couldn't be more clear that the goal is to either eradicate whites or make them an extreme minority. I'm married with children, I don't need your "tips" jackass. And ALL groups have raped. The difference is now all white countries are open to all groups while all other races get to enjoy their homelands. In the real world almost every white country is experiencing a significant amount of immigration from non white nations while these same white nations are experiencing low birth rates and the non white countries are having high birth rates. Include the constant propaganda across all media for whites (specifically white women) to interbreed with all other races and you are literally creating the setting for the extinction of white people through attrition. Ironic since they are redoing the movie to add more of a leftist spin to it. There is a clear agenda to pair white women with non white males in the media. It is done in tv shows, commercials, movies, video games, music etc. I'm sick of the blatant, open agenda to attack and wipe out white people. Or criticize them until they change. It worked for the sjws and that why all of our movies are filled with their garbage. Except it's not just one movie. Hollywood is just one giant leftist propaganda machine that affects the lives of millions. Your leftist masters are proud of your shilling. Oh no a spelling mistake! My spelling mistake is much more tolerable than the mistake your mother made when she opened her legs and shat you out. It's not just a movie. It's practically every movie. And we tried to just relax an ignore the jackass SJW's and it's becoming clear that he who complains loudest gets what they want. This shit is in every movie now. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I didn't like The Dark Knight.... =p And Iron Man came out in 2008 so that's where I started the timeline. They are the two major comic book institutions. There will always be comparisons between them. And for the past 10 years the MCU has been kicking the shit out of the DC live action movies.