MovieChat Forums > alanparsons > Replies
alanparsons's Replies
Blacks commit more violent crimes per capita than any other racial group. Don't let facts hurt your little feelings.
Feminism and leftism in general are cancers on society.
The opposite of gay. He was normal.
>the real estate agent had no idea what he was talking about
Uhh.. the real estate agent seemed like she knew exactly what happened in that apartment and she wanted him to get the hell out of there so she could sell that super expensive apartment without anyone knowing murder happened there.
The core agenda of hollywood is to promote degeneracy. And it's mostly done by jewish actors pretending to be non jewish people.
White replacement in media continues. They can't create their own characters. They have to implicitly replace white characters.
You know why they did it. To be openly annoying. The goal here was about sending a (stupid) politically charged message. The left is pure societal cancer.
He's jewish........ that's really all it takes.....
The white privilege comment was stupid. All it did is hurt the movie.
Basically every movie has jewish people in them, usually as the lead. They are significantly overrepresented. Jews run hollywood and they use rampant nepotism and favoritism with other jews.
You forgot to say "I worship jews".
Always amazing to see how upset they get when you call them out. Every movie now has to have some sort of blatant jewish influence, and it's revolting.
Hollywood has one priority at this point, replace white people.
Yeah I couldn't get into Swayze being Canadian. He just didn't fit the mold for me.
Yeah, the pieces are all there, hidden amongst the mountains of profanity and toilet humor. Great breakdown.
Made me crack up laughing.
It's the way straight men should act. Not walking around on tippy toes afraid to offend someone.
Yep. The director is the one wearing the hat in the movie.
I prefer the little to no profanity of this one.