FentonMeiks's Replies

nah this is an mid-80s flick. I'll Return to see if someone tries again. nope..... trying to clean up some of the unanswered i see. i thought this one was Game Over, Man. also i kinda had to do it. Criminal (2016) i really think its the only movie i fell asleep in. at least i think it was the dark knight. last thing i remember was a motorcycle climbed a wall and did a transformer thing and i was out. Killing Zoe? but it turns out the assassin killed himself. yep. he drove over an hour away from the scene, had a caronavirus mask on, and a package in the car with the judge's name/address on it... then killed himself. probably with 2 shots to the back of the head how you like Snow Chimps? the shark wore a disguise on the plane. they wouldnt have noticed him. wasnt Marlon Brando notoriously tough to work with Worldwide famine Actually i was talking with a woman at work and she was explaining to me that the famine was due to global hyperinflation. The Black Horse Rider carries scales with which to measure the comparative value of money and food. i found that quite interesting actually Fighting Whities was an alternative shirt. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fe/FightingWhites.png those names are pretty good too! you could make a bundle! put Whippin' some ass on the back too... big bucks. Rocky mountain rednecks.... sounds like beer and monster trucks! Good stuff! University of Northern Colorado renamed their team the "Fighting Whites" in 2002 to show how offensive it is. white people werent offended and bought the shirts by the truckload. then the university was offended that white people werent offended and added a disclaimer to the shirt "Fighting the use of Native American stereotypes" to make sure people know they should be offended! Ravenous. Eat me. A "lost consignment of easter eggs" causes resurrected evils and a nuclear decision on its own nation event horizon? Metal Church - Anthem to the Estranged https://youtu.be/Fg7bNUghFYQ oh you.... i did see that Odd Thomas i can keep my cool usually. i think the only movie that really aggravated me was The Strangers (2008) my god the dumbest characters in movie history. it had a 8.5 on imdb and got suckered into going. the friend that comes over to pick up the protaganist at a remote wooded area home. upon arrival he calls his friend to no answer, gets a rock thrown through his car window, gets out and like whoa..... oh the homes door is open and no lights are on... i guess ill go in quietly and look around..... i was grumbling quite audibly about how stupid i thought the movie was. i have no problem suspending disbelief with movies. but this was just insulting one's intelligence good guess, but not it Bingo!