MovieChat Forums > FentonMeiks > Replies
FentonMeiks's Replies
Fido's final resting place
Demon Seed (1977) ?
Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (2006) ???
yes! nice job
nope. i was thinking an old 70s flick. its actually older than TCM.
probably inspired TCM.
good movie creepy little "kid"
nah. i got zombie ET pretty quickly.
Angry Cheetahs took me a bit. then i got my eureka! moment.
and i was like "oh, that was good". damn good clue! very fun!
not wrong, its just not the movie i was thinking. as you said we think differently. sometimes the people guessing can even have a "more fitting" answer to the clue than the creator was thinking.
but if someone can come up with an obscure 70s horror based on my clue, id be pretty impressed if we were on the same wavelength.
im not sure. but, people keep surprising me no matter hard i try to make them :)
nope. not a TCM movie at all. its actually older than the the original TCM.
we'll see if someone's brain is as twisted as mine and has knowledge of old crappy horrors. :)
Leatherface's favorite trio
<spoiler>the fast and the furious</spoiler>
<spoiler>no country for old men?</spoiler>
elder cookie bearer with a daytime raccoon infection
broken arrow?
a city with a crepuscule phobia
Alien Resurrection?
cool hand luke
not what i was going for.