FentonMeiks's Replies

ok 1 more.... https://bit.ly/3eTcd7E https://bit.ly/2Nv2lps nope sorry, Shogun got it Vic Tayback played "Mel" in Alice brook is what i was going for there ya go! https://bit.ly/2QeT0TD https://bit.ly/3tAuWZX https://bit.ly/3rXbK8e smaller than a creek. size matters :p closer to a Vic than a Frank. but not Vic either. yeah. i see. i shorten the links with bitly so you cant read it here. but it still sends you to the link with the name in it :/ https://bit.ly/3txhohO https://bit.ly/3bZXp5l Keelhaul that filthy landlubber With a bottle of rum and a yo ho ho https://youtu.be/ta-Z_psXODw?t=132 ill throw in some drunken japanese pirates too https://youtu.be/fxJf5utlgMw i'd go Slap Shot but lesser discussed good stuff would be: Les Boys (1997) The Set-Up (1949) Net Worth (1995) well played! somebody posted an agatha christie movie so i was trying to pile on a few more. but striking out. Evil Under the Sun (1982) prologue HOMI interlude CIDE epilogue was Murder in 3 acts i was trying a little more literal..... coming to america yes, nice job Kingsman: The Golden Shower Circle oh we're allowed dirty stuff!? so.... receiving sexual gratification from Ohio or California darkness beneath the dawn And Then There Were None (1945) prologue HOMI interlude CIDE epilogue Total Recall (1990) The African Queen (1952) nahs. thats math in general. specifically the process of the aggregate?