MovieChat Forums > Tenshin76

Tenshin76 (7)


Meat Weird edit on season 7 ep7 View all posts >


Yep, it was interesting until the gang arrive at the school. From there on, the movie fall apart with its bullshit demonic rituals and revelations. Only good thing abiut it were the cute evil blonde and teacher. Deserves a 4.5 imo Ok mate sorry about the misunderstanding, let's say a Belgian speaking English with his/her accent. I worked with quite a few and it just sounded to me like a mix between a Belgian and a Scandinavian speaking English. I haven't watched Fargo in a long time but I seem to recall that odd mix (to me anyway). Cheers :) I agree with everything. Gorgeous actress, shithouse movie lol Wtf are u talking about? Sorry i didn't express myself clearly enough, Mr. Shakespeare, lol. I didn't group nordic with a belgian accent, i meant it sounded like a weird mix between a nordic and a belgian speaking. And what is Belgian? Are u serious...? Ok my bad, i meant a Belgian speaking french/flemish in their accent. Anyhow, it was weird a.f. I agree that was the single weirdest American accent I've ever heard in my entire life. Is that really the Minnesota accent or from that part of the US?? Because to me some if them sounded like a nordic/belgian weird sort of thing...! View all replies >