MovieChat Forums > golodog

golodog (7)



Ah-- sorry! Wouldn't the opposite be "bad hi"? Do we even know that Drogon is male? Maybe she's pregnant by one of the other dragons and will go lay eggs somewhere and start a family. :) "Max", which is, "down the hill" (as opposed to directly next door) is mentioned numerous times in all seasons. I like the Whisperer theory. I have been bothered by how clean the bite looked. I expect a walker bite to have more tearing. Yes seriously. It's really quite simple. Whether or not you think it's a good story is something different. :) [quote]Annabelle Higgins is not actually the Higgins REAL daughter, but their adoptive daughter[/quote] Yes, that's what I said. ...a film covering about a decade lifespan... Yes. This is consistent for both families. In this film, the Mullins' said that things had been relatively quiet for about 12 years. Then, after Janice/Annabelle is adopted by the Higgins', it cuts to her murder spree 12 years later. There's probably some significance to that but I don't know what it is. Perhaps there actually is some sort of dormancy. This might answer Foebane's question about how the doll could run around leaving notes when she was locked in the closet with the bible pages. Maybe she was never trapped at all but dormant instead? I don't know and don't really care. All I was saying was that there was no inconsistency between The Conjuring, Annabelle, and Annabelle Creation. In Annabelle: Creation, a demon tricks Annabelle Mullins' parents into letting it inhabit a doll made by Samuel Mullins. Towards the end, the demon moves into orphan Janice's body. After the police arrive, the priest even says that the doll is now just a doll. It is not possessed at this point. We then learn at the end of the movie that Janice, possessed by the demon, gets adopted by the Higgins' and is going by the name Annabelle. When she grows up, she murders her parents who are, at this point, the neighbors of John and Mia from the first Annabelle movie. For some reason she then runs into John and Mia's house and is gunned down. After she is gunned down, the demon transfers back into the doll via her blood-- as seen in the first Annabelle movie. Why John and Mia picked up the same doll (or a copy of one of these limited edition dolls) that was once inhabited by a demon who happens to live in the body of the adopted girl next door... I'm not sure. Maybe that part is just a great coincidence. As for the nurses, the demon lied (as demons do) about being the spirit of a girl who died in their apartment complex. Ed Warren probably determined (correctly) that no one named Annabelle Higgins ever lived in the complex. View all replies >