voltaire2121's Replies

Yes, sorry. Okay, it's not about accessibility - it's about convenience. Okay, they offer a trial subscription, but they are still getting something from you. THey are getting your personal data, and then you have to go to the bother of cancelling, whereas, with pirating, it's no strings attached free. So it's a no brainer. Nah, no thank you, better to pirate it. Not really, if they don't make it accessible, what are we suppose to do in lockdown at home? Might as well pirate it. Just pirate it. I pirated it. How? He had all those chicks? I don't blame him, I woulda F all those chicks too. Make 'em give me blowjobs too. You Whities all look the same, doesn't matter. Definitely not a masterpiece. Slow and boring as F. You will be disappointed. I don't subscribe to the idea that one shouldn't hit women simply because they are women. In certain circumstances, women absolutely deserve to get whalloped, and this is one of them. I would have gotten out of the car and pushed her, and if she raises her tireiron, then that would get me rights to sock her, and I would. Haha... you don't agree? I tend to like uplifting films. I saw recently Promising Young Woman, and I loved that, loved the bittersweet ending in that, but this... it ends on a dark, sinister note, you know that grandpa will abuse that girl, ugh... and that's it?? Didn't like it... won't ever rewatch it again. I only watched it because it's Polanski and I like most of his other films. I am saying it is good that there wasn't any and we should keep it that way going forward. You're only a "nice guy" to get what you want, ie, to get laid. You're a pig just like the rest of us. I know and he was the Kurgan from Highlander! Women over 50 cease being relevant in our youth obsessed Western society. Go jack off to I spit on your grave, original or remake! This vengence flick was awesome! I hope it bombs! Amazon can't help themselves! I don't know what the hell you are talking about. Overthrow the US government??!!? How am I trying to overthrow the US government, you looney.