MovieChat Forums > Daisy > Replies

Daisy's Replies

Katherine Heigl in Unforgettable I noticed she was in one scene Your granddaughter sounds like she has the same kind of watching habits as me. Even those true crime shows make me anxious. Maybe yes its because its not the far from reality or is reality I don't know. Yes, I watch less horror movies than I used to but American Horror Story is still one of my favorite shows. I'm not sure about the story line you are talking about since I don't watch but I'll check out the links. Thanks. :) And its so funny how I can watch people get killed in a movie but freak out if they touch an animal. Thats why I never like when they have a dog in a horror movie, you just know that's not going to end well. LOL Yes will def. be rewatching this for sure regardless. Thanks :) I know I'm tempted to do this with my friend who hasn't seen it before. Always more fun to rewatch a series with someone who hasn't seen it ever. I find anyways. :) I'm just usually the quiet one..haha :) I just didn't think it would make sense for there to be a General Discussion which is only about movies and tv, and then again a General TV board and a General Movie board too... I dunno. But...I'm new here so I should just shut up. lol There is actually a link to that board from 2 days ago, its just kind of buried in these posts because someone had asked for it. Why would you think you need to explain that to me when I already linked it? I just thought people would be able to find their own way there... which they did. Do the mods ever move threads to different boards? So basically all OT should be strictly in "The Sandbox" catagory? I am quite new and wasn't surprised that there was just about anything goes in this section because under General Discussion it says "Talk about anything here." I see what your saying though because it seems like most of the posts end up here regardless of what they are and the other boards are quiet. I thought mentioning it was on the trivia board would be okay, but I guess you're right since there are so many categories over there. That must be a mistake, I think they have a huge userbase over there. Not sure though, I don't really use it. My So Called Life I think the only draw back for me is I so rarely listen to anything new, and being able to choose I'm not forced to. ;) I mostly pick up listening to newer artists when I'm' with friends. There is still alot of older rock/folk to discover too! My hometown (its small) radio makes me want to scream its so bad. And yeah, 100% control is always nice. :) Am I wrong in thinking that this board is for general discussion of any kind? And isn't that why there is a general board for movies and a general board for tv, because the General Discussion board can be about anything? Just my thoughts, The games are posted on the proper boards. I put this here to draw people's attention to the fact that I had started those threads as I wasn't sure how much people were looking there. There were no new posts in a long time and this board seems to have the most traffic. I didn't even read the soapbox til after they kicked me off.. imdbv2 you meant right? ;) Yeah maybe they are kicking off people who don't post much? Hard way to build a community. It just shocked me when i went to sign in and it said my account was banned. I don't really know the story arc, so can't really comment on that. I do realize that stuff happens in real life, wish we didn't live in such a terrible world! It was like a certain scene on the Sopranos one time with his therapist.. not sure I even finished the show after that. But don't get me wrong I watch all sorts of crazy stuff in horror movies and stuff so not sure why that tv show bothers me so much. I guess its because that is the basis for SVU and you know that's what the story will be about. You can play the songs in any order that you want as often as you want, and you can download the songs to play offline so you don't use data. And of course there are no commercials. I think the free one you can only skip 6 songs in a half hour or hour? Not a big deal if you shuffle play alot like I do too. Not sure if I'm missing anything or not. And I don't work for them lol The playlists they make for you are pretty neat too, like Summer Rewind of songs I listened to last summer and my top tracks of 2016 stuff like that.