MovieChat Forums > Daisy > Replies

Daisy's Replies

That's what I thought but then the next person I went to was blank too.. Good point ah, sounds cool. i will check that out. Susan Sarandon - Little Women I think as the characters Dorothy was a lot smarter than Maude ever was. Yeah I had looked up a silent film star, but I was still shocked. Your explanation let me know what happened. no sorry, good guess though sweet, good job. :) ooooo such a good one! You should make a new one, if you like :) 1,2 are correct :) Is fun though!! :D Great minds think alike! ;) I love that show so much. Don't remember the mermaids thing though. Was that the Tom Hanks character? yep.. i'll give ya more clues if you need :) Alex P. Keaton Night Moves- Bob Seger 13 Movies that were based on a book: 01. Ethan Frome 02. Wuthering Heights 03. Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe 04. Needful Things 05. To Kill a Mockingbird 06. Lolita 07. Lord of the Flies 08. Room 09. The Road 10. Before and After 01. Fred Bear- Ted Nugent 02. Hurricane - Bob Dylan 03. Nightshift- Commodores 04. Fifty Mission Cap - The Tragically Hip 05. You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette 06. American Pie - Don McLean 01. Matt Damon 02. Audie Murphy ( an actual war hero ) 03. John Wayne 04. Mel Gibson 05. Tom Berenger 06. Michael J. Fox Annabeth Gish - Mystic Pizza I love that movie!!