MovieChat Forums > Daisy > Replies
Daisy's Replies
I've been looking around and most of the other sites seem very dead.
You think this site is full of IMDb idiots?
They would be so old though, I wonder how they would work that? I had such a crush on Sean Astin back then.. i thought little Mikey was so cute! I was younger than him at the time keep in mind. hahah
I had seen CoW when I was quite young and i remember it bothering me, so i'm sure it still will after what you wrote. Haven't seen any of your suggestions, if you can believe it. haha
I don't think i've even seen the original..
i most def do have a lot of great stuff to check out. and i had the eighties pretty much written off. haha
I so want to see this one again too. What was once scary, I'm sure is hilarious. Weren't they stuck in a mall in the new Dawn of the Dead too?
Yes, i think its been in talks forever though. Would have to be the original cast though for me, but I'm sure they would do it. And yes Wisdom is a definite must see for anyone who hasn't yet. i haven't seen it in ages though, but I'm sure it holds up. i think he and Demi Moore were dating then too. I had such a crush on him too. haha
Aren't they supposed to make a sequel to Beetlejuice?
And Wisdom was soooo good. Cool twist before everyone was doing them.
i saw Chopping Mall, haha.. that's why I said no horror movies because I think I saw 90percent of them. hehe Its alright to suggest them though.
Loved Heathers, could practically quote it. Don't know what made that movie so special. Feels like I watched it yesterday haha
I did love that back in the day. I remember being too young to go see it and being totally jealous of my sister who got to go. Ah, memories hah
I think i saw all of these.. those are all horror movies though right? That would be why..haha :)
Vision of Love - Mariah Carey
Wow, that's actually pretty cool, and maybe a little sad too
Labor Day (2013)
Pet (2016)
(These are not classics but thought i would suggest them anyways)
Put Your head on my shoulder - Paul Anka
Yes, it seems they are constantly changing in the trending part. Game of Thrones seems to be super busy. I have to get caught up on that show so I can join in!
And not that I hate teenagers or horror, just that's all that I think I watched back then. LOL.
Ira Levin is enough for me to hear. I loved both Rosemary's Baby and The Stepford Wives. I didn't see the new Stepford Wives though.. people said it was terrible.