MovieChat Forums > Daisy > Replies
Daisy's Replies
Haha, you are probably right! :)
Nope, I haven't. I don't think it would hold up, so I'll pass. I certainly heard of it though. From what I remember hearing it was like a teenage sex movie? haha
[quote]Moderation in all things, including judging others.[/quote]
I love this! So so true.
Its totally embarrassing to be out with someone who is rude to staff. I want to die in these cases. You can totally tell someone who has never spent a day in the service industry sometimes. Ugh.
Yeah, I never got regulars who came back time and time again to complain. If it's that bad or not to your liking, go somewhere else! No one will mind. Totally annoying.
People who hint at something excessively when they could easily get to the point and ask.
People who don't control their pets.
When someone turns on the TV and music at the same time so they are both competing to be listened to. Ugh, that's annoying. It's like, pick one or the other okay?
People who think their ideas are the only right ones.
People who don't call before they come over early in the morning. The "pop in".
I'm sure I could go on.
I will make sure to abide by these rules in the future. :D
Must tell ya though that post made me laugh out loud, you are too funny. Thanks :) But yes what a crazy hectic week. My little sister got married! Family came from every where, so you can imagine. haha. But a good time was had by all, so no complaints!!
nah, i'll give you another hint. :) Hope this one isn't too tough... guess it depends if you saw the movie or not. :)
That would explain me not getting the reference. Never did see that movie back in the day and I'm totally guessing it would not hold up. Haha. I think that's one of those movies you had to see when it came out! :)
Yes, welcome from me too. I am so glad I found it! :)
That's exactly what I thought when I saw this post...and I haven't even been here all that long. I didn't get the Mike Hunt thing though...
nope, good guess though. :) Have you guys been giving a clue each time someone guesses incorrectly or waiting a bit? I was doing mine a bit differently.
Yay! I finally got one right! hehe
Was that sort of a spoiler? hehe I may be wrong here..I haven't finished this season yet. SHAME, SHAME..on me. haha
Thanks its a toughie for sure. figured I would throw one out there though. haha.
Could be way off on this one.. Raiders of the Lost Ark?
Ned Stark?
Land of the Lost?
I don't remember it very well, but I could have forgotten everything. Came to mind for some reason.
Lady Stark?
(Catelyn Stark)
Can I ask what time period it is set in?
Tyrion Lannister
Game of Thrones meets Happy Days on this one. haha :)