jmoney213's Replies

Well, let me know if ever think of a few. No problem! Glad I can save you some time searching. haha yup, I'm sure he'll be back soon enough. Thanks man! Appreciate it. No problem. Yeah, I liked Get the Gringo too. Good to see Mel back in action haha. Unfortunately, I just realized that they removed it from Netflix streaming yesterday. Another good one bites the dust. Ha, I guess so. Just got tired of looking on Netflix every night so I put this together hoping to save some people some time. Well thank you, I really appreciate that. Wait that's good right? Because there's a lot more for you to check out, you mean? Not sure if you really care, but I figured I'd mention I finished writing the code that truly implements Amazon Prime movies now. No more miscellaneous links. Ah I see, thank you. Can I ask you if there's any way to remove someones comment on a post? Well thank you, definitely appreciate it. Not sure if you saw my post, but if you're interested in watching them on Netflix, I look for everything off the beaten path. Hope it helps. Thanks for the kind words No problem Thanks. Do you have some recommendations I can add? Sorry, at first they were set up to be viewable on Amazon Prime as well, but I'm working on adding that option now. Thank you, yea the formatting was actually pretty tough, but a lot of people seem to like it. That's too bad we don't share the same tastes. I try to appeal to everyone but it's pretty hard. I totally know what you mean when you are always searching for a good movie. I literally spend hours a week trying to add new stuff and come up empty handed A LOT of the time. I created this site out of that need, but I've found that the majority of people rarely even care about the "off the beaten path" movies anymore and just want the next blockbuster. I get killed by the competition because I won't put a Ben Affleck or Angelina Jolie movie on my list. Oh well. Guess that's the way the world is! But I do appreciate the nice words, and good luck finding what you're looking for. (Speaking of finding, maybe you should try "Finders Keepers" :) ) Yup, I agree. I study Russian so I randomly came across Nightwatch looking for Russian subtitled movies. It's so weird but great. Daywatch too. Konstantin Khabensky is a great actor and is all the best Russian films.