MovieChat Forums > jmoney213

jmoney213 (32)



Well, let me know if ever think of a few. No problem! Glad I can save you some time searching. haha yup, I'm sure he'll be back soon enough. Thanks man! Appreciate it. No problem. Yeah, I liked Get the Gringo too. Good to see Mel back in action haha. Unfortunately, I just realized that they removed it from Netflix streaming yesterday. Another good one bites the dust. Ha, I guess so. Just got tired of looking on Netflix every night so I put this together hoping to save some people some time. Well thank you, I really appreciate that. Wait that's good right? Because there's a lot more for you to check out, you mean? Not sure if you really care, but I figured I'd mention I finished writing the code that truly implements Amazon Prime movies now. No more miscellaneous links. View all replies >