Jobimfan's Replies

He wasn't kind of a creep, he was closer to being a stalker. This is the kind of guy who rapes you on a date and then tells you it's all your fault. Though I have to admit, I thought he was just going to get a serious ass kicking, not a knife in the neck. Best. Episode. Ever. (And that's saying a whole lot!) I didn't notice the difference, I'll have to watch it again. There be spoilers about the last episode below. If you haven't finished episode 6 you might want to skip it.... [spoiler]I was stunned by that final scene and I think I might actually be upset by it. I felt like it jerked the audience around unnecessarily. After the first couple of episodes I thought Tommy would die but then I thought he would be okay. Then I thought he was going to die when he was walking through the town with a shotgun and then when he is right on the very edge of being okay, he drops dead of a heart attack? He was obviously troubled but he really had a good and passionate heart. That last thumbs up he gives Tosh just made it so much more painful. I was really pulling for him. I thought he was going to leave Shetland and decide to move to the mainland or something. I would have loved to see him as the gentle wild man in future seasons. :( [/spoiler] Well maybe.... Just because Tosh is a policeperson it doesn't mean that she's not subject to all of the same reactions, fears, and insecurities of any other survivor of sexual assault. There could be any number of reasons why she wouldn't want to pursue her rapist through the courts... (a) She might feel shame or embarrassment that as someone who is trained to engage physically with criminals to protect the public, someone was able to overpower her and make her a victim of crime. In court they would be sure to ask her, "but aren't you trained to defend yourself?" (b) By not going after her rapist, she can pretend that it never happened. Some people think the best way to handle trauma is to pretend the trauma never happened (c) As someone in law enforcement, she might realize that it's very difficult, if not impossible, to find the man who raped her. Police departments, regardless of their size, have to be judicious with their resources. Maybe she realized that practically, they wouldn't have the resources to hunt the man down and prosecute him. There are Spaniards who are naturally blonde haired and blue eyed, it's more common in Northern Spain. Both Catherine of Aragon (Henry VIII first wife) and her mother, Isabella of Castille were fair haired and blue eyed. I never read the books so the only Jimmy Perez I've ever known has been Henshall. at first, I assumed I was just not hearing the name right and then later I assumed that (a) he was descended from someone from Northern Spain (the story about the shipwrecked seamen from the Spanish Armada defeat is a pretty commonly told story) or (b) it was the name of a step or adoptive father. I used to work in financial services and yes, it's not as odd as you might think for them to have a therapist on retainer. In the cases I know, though, the therapist was someone who had a private practice, had a separate office, people made their appointments privately and management *never* knew what happened in the sessions. I don't find it hard to believe a firm like that would have a shrink in the building but they would need to set up some crazy kind of set up so that no one else could see who was coming or going. It was his mother's. Maybe legally, but certainly no culturally. Jack the Ripper saw the development of The Met into the police force we know today. They were issued clubs and whistles because guns weren't much of an issue. Most criminals, even the most hardcore, used knives in the UK, not guns. Most of the guns were long guns used for hunting and such. Yes, her mother went running out, "for just a moment" and got so involved at the TV station that she forgot about the little girl. Three episodes in and I 'm done. This show is so crappy I'm not sure if it's going to last an entire season.