dolemite72's Replies

"AVENGE ME!" When Otis asks Henry if he'd like to go get a beer (near the end of the movie) and Henry replies: "Not Partic-u-larly" Agreed (it's a necessary prerequisite in movies like this) I guess Seagal's character was another red-herring that this movie needed, also? Oh wow...the whole(quote) "You're quite amusing" comeback (next it'll be the hoary old chestnut of "Me and all my mates are laughing our asses off at you" compensatory bullshit) You're neither amusing, nor're just a nosey entitled fucking snowflake that thinks you're going to change the world (along with your other SJW chums) Thank the lord that the internet affords you the anonimity of talking shit to strangers from the safety of your computer screen.....what on earth did you do before the internet? (allthough given your comebacks....I'd wager you weren't even fucking born) What a load of bollocks......You know nothing about me (or my experiences) You don't even know what colour I actually am? But thanks to the internet....Cluless do-gooders like you can copy-and-paste your pseudo-cod-psychology bullshit, and try to pass it off as a poor substitute for an opinion. That sort of shit might impress your 3 (likewise) SJW college buddies....but you're fooling no-one here amigo (not even yourself) Stick to reading comics.....Cease (and desist) talking to adults. What don't I understand......racism or this movie (if that's not too much of an oxymoron?) I realise this must be awfully hard for you to articulate your opinion (without the benefit of labelling me as a 'racist') Because I'll bet your life, it's a card you would have pulled by now, if I hadn't beaten you to it? So are you saĆ½ing 'racism' is (quote) "Alright" and "Harmless".......? It's hard to tell what you're trying to say with that (sixtieth-hand) glib-retort.....quick, go copy-and-paste another. Without being dismissive of his many roles and lengthy does 'bumbling' like Mr for that reason I'd have to choose 'SUPERMAN - THE MOVIE' (or DELIVERANCE) But he's very good in 'non-bumbling' roles, also 'Rumpole And The Golden Thread' is my least favourite (because it's both too slow and unbelievable a premise) 'Rumpole And The Show Folk' is a great episode, but the climax is a real downer, when Horrace realises that he's just successfully defended a murderer Jack Cassidy was great in everything he done. Although my favourite Columbo Villains were/are Robert Conrad and William Shatner You clearly ARE deluding yourself and have zero taste in cinema (if you like this shite) Now be told. To cater for the Chinese market (who, as it seems, weren't too fussed on the end product anyhow?) Care to elaborate on what is 'Beautiful' or 'Philisophical' about this movie (if anything it's fifty times more desperate than the last Star Wars flick) TLJ knows it's more of a Happy-Meal tie in than a movie (and for all it's many faults) doesn't pretend to be amnything else. Supporters of BR2049 are great at hurling superlatives about the movie....but never elaborate why? (I call it 'Russell Brand Thesaurus Syndrome'......empty hollow platitudes....made by a likewise audience) Please explain the 'Philosophy' and give examples of 'Beauty' in this movie.....for fellow dullards (like myself) Methinks you're just reciting fifth-hand studio-hyperbole bullshit? It's as if fans of such tripe, have only ever seen 2 or 3 movies in their heap so much so little? Please educate me on the (apparently) many merits of Blade Runner 2049....Please? I don't have a problem with movie violence, morals and's just that *this* movie was crap (and vastly overrated) I think now it's hit smaller screens, more and more people are going to wake up to the fact that it's (nothing but) a 'Naked Emperor'....parading down 'Pretentiousness Avenue' for all the 'edgy' cinemagoers (demanding their 'instant' classic) Typical SJW mindset (meaning anyone that doesn't agree with me is either racist or sexist) People only bring up 'gender' or 'diversity' in these movies, because it's more of a forced box-tick to please the likes of the OP.....than an actual choice on the film-makers part. The OP (like most SJW's) isn't going to be happy until you agree with them (therefore you'll be a 'bigot' of some kind until you do?) The OP (like most SJW's) doesn't even have an opinion of it's own.....and has to cite other blog articles as a poor replacement for their own opinions? And of course, anyone who disagrees with the bloggers original opinion.....will have the OP to deal with...because they are used to jumping to defence of the so-called 'downtrodden' (regardless of whether they want help or not?) The OP (like most SJW's) wants to re-write definitions of existing words (therefore anyone that 'dislikes' the movie, is somehow labelled a 'fanboy'???) But hey, never let logic get in the way of an agenda. The OP (like other SJW's) will not desist until they get the response THEY want (alongside 2+2=5....Black *is* White....water is dry) so everyone is best off depriving them of the attention (that they're most obviously, not getting at home) For the record, TLJ was catshit out of a dog's arse.....Don't like my opinion.....then go smash up your local starbucks! (I'll be too busy hanging blacks from lamposts and raping women to notice.....obviously!) Oh yeah.....and killing gays too! First off (and no offence intended) but it's obvious that that you're a lot younger than I? Back in the day, a black-and-white screenshot/still in some grotty magazine was the equivilent of a trailer (that you can now download in seconds) that shows you all the 'money-shots' And when you say Heavens Gate is a (quote) "terrible example to give" but *THEN* follow it up with (quote) "I haven't seen that film but looking at clips"....sort of proves my point about the 'microwave' generation I'm talking/gloating about. This explains why more people rave about hacks like Tarantino, than the endless source material he (obviously) plagiarises. No need to waste time watching endless movies....When QT will release a 'Greatest Hits' package every few years. Disney are doing the exact same thing now with the SW franchise. It's great that you're learning about Cinema through the internet....But sadly, it's a medium designed (first and foremost) to sell you stuff.....which is why 99% of platforms are full of adverts, demand personal information and/or are monetized to the it obviously has agendas. Fine if you're using it as a resource/guide to make your own choices......but pretty useless if you're following up recomendations....because of the aforementioned reasons I've given. I'd put JAWS above Citizen Kane (and I love Citizen Kane) I think it's the internet (ironically, the medium WE are now conversing on) that's the main culprit? Years ago, if you were a film buff, they was more excitement with new releases (primarily, because despite buying trade magazines/watching the odd movie show) the information was not very forthcoming. You had to put a certain amount of effort into your passion for cinema (pre-internet) Nowadays, of course.....the information is at the click of a button (*EDIT* touch screen) and everyone (and his naughty uncle) can have the same access as a seasoned film fanatic (but *without* the genuine passion for the medium) This explains why Hollywood seems to target the internet demographic (with everything cost effective to make maximum profit) Big Movies still flop.....usually when so much is lavished on the next big actor....due to a couple of previous hits.......but the studios still keep one beady eye on the cost-effectiveness of home media revenue......once again all worked out (probably to the last dime) by the computer. Studios would never think about making another 'Heavens Gate' (for example) without first doing all their sums. The double edged sword of the internet, is that (thankfuly) likeminded cinema fans can tip each other off about bad reviews. Hollywood (realising such) have now made 'Simultanious' worldwide releases commonplace. Given that Hollywood is obviously bankrolling IMDB to plug actors and movies that no one really wanted or asked probably the reason the IMDB message Boards shut down? Disney are lucky that 'Star Wars' is such a huge cash-cow.....that quality isn't an issue right now (although it might be in a few movies time) Star Wars will make more money from McDonalds Happy Meal tie-ins.....than most blockbusters will make at the actual box-office. Cinemagoers need to vote with their wallets....but don't (as the OP said) for fear of keeping up with the Jones' (or 'Throneses') Yes, but 'boxes' must be ticked in Hollywood nowadays (all except the 'talent' box, that is?) Except that the sequel is none of the above. It's not achingly human....just achingly boring. Back in 1982, Blade Runner broke new ground in both design and atmosphere (can you really....hand on heart... say the same about the sequel?) If you enjoyed the sequel, fair play to you. But it's fans seem to be heaping the same level of praise, that it took the original 20+ years to earn. If that isn't a case of false hype (from the 'microwave generation' demanding their own instant classic) I don't know what is? I kind of agree with what you're saying? I think they were initially intended to be light and frothy 'popcorn' movies (especially the original in 1977) but it's success led to sequels, spin-offs, books and backstories....which tried to create a 'mythos' out of a whole lot of nothing? The franchise is too big a cash-cow now to ever end quietly (or with dignity)....and the recent endless prequels/sequels/spin-off's are getting by on pure nostalgia-factor only. No-One will be talking about this movie in 20 years time