djj93312's Replies

And the left learned that from the way the Republicans treated Obama for the 8 years before that. Bullshit. No evidence of fraud. Right wing media backpedaling now that Dominion is suing them for defamation. Grow up. 16. A civilization that has interstellar travel capability and laser zap guns can't take care of a comet they've known about for at least 26 years? Okay, I understand it might be a bad idea to break up a body on a collision course with a planet, but there are alternatives like a tug of some kind, just to nudge it so it misses. I think Owen was surprised to see her. Not necessarily. Maybe they were like pearls. Ghosts can do anything the writer says they can do, which is why ghost stories have huge plot holes and never make sense. Somehow Peter couldn't touch Rebecca, but Viola can grab anybody she wants to by the throat. They're probably working, so they don't have time to march, and go on Newsmax, unlike Trump supporters, who are on welfare, just waiting for their coal job to come back. Added bump stocks to NFA '34. It's impossible NOT to take Trump out of context, because there never is any context. He rambles at random. Meh - Ronald Reagan not only talked to, but made a deal with the Iranians, while he was running for President (that's BEFORE the election), behind Jimmy Carter's back, to give them weapons in violation of sanctions in exchange for keeping the hostages until after the election, then if Reagan won, letting them go. That's the origin of the deal that later came to be known as the Iran-Contra scandal. So don't talk to me about Biden talking to world leaders when he is, in fact the President-Elect. He ought to (and will) do as much time as Reagan did for his treason. Don't worry. The Republicans will. Yeah. It's just too bad there's no actual evidence that it actually exists. Rudy Giuliani claiming that a friend told him he saw a laptop with "Biden" on it, in a computer repair shop once, but doesn't know where it is now, isn't evidence. Emails. Yeah, right, all those emails Rudy Giuliani promised to release before the election. Where are they, Rudy? Come on, trot 'em out. Let's see 'em. You know, I know a guy who has a buddy who works in a computer repair shop who told him that a guy once came into the shop with a laptop with "TRUMP" written on it. He said he imaged the hard drive as a routine part of cleaning it up. The guy never came back for it, but my friend doesn't know where it is now, but the image he made of the hard drive has kiddie porn on it. Make what you will of that. Unless they reset the calendar somehow, how is the year 10,191 20,000 years in the future? According to my calculations, 20,000 years in the future, the year will be approximately 22,000. Might have been helpful to know Korean urban legends. Some of the stories seemed kind of lame. To be fair, I looked at the list of his works on imdb. I had no idea he directed "The Elephant Man". Even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then. I can only conclude Anthony Hopkins had the gravitas to make it clear that he wouldn't brook any bullshit. 2. No. Fool me twice, you know. 3. It's been several years since I tried to watch it, but it was when the guy (Robert Forster?) came out of the diner and saw the "boogeyman" in the parking lot that I thought, "OK, no more of this. This could have been a perfectly good thriller without made-up crap like this". There's no doubt in my mind that Lynch laughs all the way to the bank while we talk about what his latest work "means". He probably says to himself, "Suckers! It doesn't mean a goddamn thing! It means my mortgage is paid off!" You claim that there are exceptions, but you don't offer any evidence to support that your position is the norm that there can be exceptions to.