CG23Sailor's Replies

Yeah.. you ignore me because you are incapable of arguing against it. Fact is the violence will find a way, gun or no gun, knife or no knife. No we don't know for certain. even the Climatologists who started this whole thing about Global warming do not argue for a near future catastrophe, or even any ability to predict long term forecasts of global climate change. Since Records Began... read that again. Let that sink in. think about the implications. We didn't have records when it was hotter. But it was hotter. Much hotter. We know that from the geological record and Ice Cores. Records only began being kept DURING this Interglacial period. Which right now is at its hottest. Just another example of shallow left thinking. believe the sound bites and don't follow the actual science. So unless a movie has a Cult following... its a bad movie? He has had a lot of great films. Blackhawk Down. Legend Black Rain GI Jane Gladiator Kingdom of Heaven American Gangster The Martian White Squall And here you prove me right. YOU don't want to hear. You want to believe your own conclusions about us. You ask a question regarding "Right Wingers", But you will not listen to any answer from actual people on the right. You only will listen to what others on the left tell you in regards to those on the right. You only want an echochamber of your own opinions. <blockquote>The right has considered homosexuality a mental illness and attempted to brainwash people with religious BS for centuries, pretending that would make people straight, resulting in gay people having the highest suicide rate of all groups of people. Only relatively recently and due to massive pressure from the public (left as well as right) the right has reduced their efforts, accepting homosexuals as normal but maintaining the nonsense for trans people, which now makes trans people the group with the highest suicide rate.</blockquote> Nope. A few highly religious groups, who also happen to be on the right have done so. Most of us on the right couldn't care less who sleeps with who so long as A)They're not children, B)They're not animals, and C)They're consenting. Nor has the right been at it for centuries. the political right hasn't been around that long even. You're just trying to tar and feather us with the sins of others from the past. Regarding Guns... How about that knife problem in Britain? Now go FO. "Climate change is a hoax"... Strawman argument to demonize the right. We on the right do NOT say that. We say that Man-made CATASTROPHIC Climate change leading to runaway global doomsday is a hoax. You know who agrees with us? ACTUAL CLIMATE SCIENTISTS. The Doom and gloom comes from Politicians, Media, and treehugging hippies. NON-CLIMATE Scientists jump on the bandwagon looking for grant money, as does business looking for Gov subsidies. It is the Doom and Gloom predictions and claiming we have to radically destroy our civilization on the cause of saving the planet that we disagree with. And for that... we are demonized by you on the left because YOU DO NOT LISTEN. YOU STRAWMAN. I bet you don't even grasp the FACT that right now we are still in an Ice Age which began 2.56 million years ago. It did not end 11,600 years ago. It is continuing to this day. We are still in the Ice Age. An Ice Age is not just the "Really supercold periods". It is a cycle of Really supercold periods and Cold periods that are below average but warmer than the really supercold periods. We are in one of those warmer but still below average cold periods. Still within the Ice Age. That is what started 11,600 years ago. The Supercold periods are called Glacial Period or Stadials. THe just cold but not supercold periods are known as Interglacials or Interstadial periods. The WHOLE Ice age is a series of Glacial and Interglacial periods. The current period (starting 11,600 years ago) is the Holocene Interglacial period within the Pleistocene Ice Age (Which began 2.56 million years ago and is ongoing) Regarding Energy... The Cleanest energy production available is Nuclear. But you on the left run screaming to the hill at the very mention of Nuclear. We on the right want to move away from fossil fuels as well. But we are not going to destroy all of human society to get rid of it NOW when there is nothing that can replace it. Renewable energy as it is now is not capable of replacing fossil fuels. you are delusional to think otherwise. The Right correctly laughs at your solutions because we see that they hurt and don't help. The Left Demonizes any attempt at the right to address the issue and claim we refuse to help since we don't agree with your shallow Feel-good non-thinking solutions. We try to work with you. We try to explain to you. YOU refuse to Listen You attack us with hate and false strawmans. CONTINUED... The Right actually seeks solutions and tries to help with actual data and facts. The Left just wants to feel good and be able to tell themselves they are helping when in reality they are just acting on emotion. And when called on their shallow thinking... accuse the Right of not caring when in fact we do. We know you care as well. Both sides care. But we are against wasteful actions that do nothing and often actually hurt more than help. Real help is hard. YOu also care, but you only do the easy feel good and don't actually think things through. Then you pile hate on those calling you on it while trying to actually help. You want to understand the right? Start by actually LISTENING to the right. Stop pretending you know our motivations because you listen to what your lefty elites tell you our motivations are. Listen to OUR motivations as well tell you they are and don't dismiss them out of hand. When I went to school. High School Students drove trucks to school with rifles and Shotguns in the rear window racks. My High School had an indoor shooting range for God's sake. We didn't have School shootings. Guns have always been readily available and present in American Society. But school shooting is only a recent phenomena. What's changed? It not the guns. Society has changed. Mental illness has changed. The Left has normalized mental illness. The Right wanted to make sure the mentally ill actually got treatment, not told that their mental illness is normal. Yes you were motivated by a desire to help the mentally ill. But your help didn't help. It made it worse. It made society worse. The result of which is the rise in violent crime caused by mental illness. Much done with a gun in a society where guns are prevalent. But getting rid of guns as a solution is the same sort of shallow non-thinking feel-good measure that hurts and does nothing to solve the issue. YOU don't learn from your mistakes because you refuse to see your mistakes as mistakes. 1) Government handouts to poor people. Well right off the bat... Conservative vs Liberals... the Right is far greater in being magnanimous in charitable donations to worthwhile organizations that do a lot to assist the homeless and many others as well. We give. We give OUR OWN PERSONAL MONIES The Left does not. Rather they demand everyone else ponies up money to be spent by the Government on our behalf. And Usually only to pet causes of the extreme left. The left is only magnanimous with "OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY" The Right is not opposed to helping the poor. The Right is opposed to taking our money against our will and others spending it how they see fit ostensibly to help the poor but in reality helping no one. But if we are against the lefts ideas.. we get accused of "hating the poor" NO!!!! 2) General Conservation issues. Did you know that most people on the cutting edge of REAL Conservation tend to be right, not left. Teddy Roosevelt was a Conservative and started the National Parks Service. Most Hunters are Conservative as are most Game Wardens, etc... Climate Change? We know the climate is always changing, and at most... Man's influence has only very recently been enough to have some very minor contribution to it in very recent time (since the 60s) What we do not believe in is the Chicken Little The-Sky-Is-Falling Doomsday scenarios being pushed by the left. You know who else does not believe in the Doomsday scenarios? THE ACTUAL CLIMATE SCIENTISTS. The Doomsday cult of Climate Change is primarily Media (looking for ratings boosts), Politicians (Looking for power and votes), Nature worshipers (Looking for validation of their near religious devotion to the idea Man is bad). Add on Crony Businesses (looking for the Government Subsidies) and other NON-CLIMATE Scientists (looking for grants)... TO BE CONT>>> Recasting the Wicked Witch of the West as just some poor misunderstood POC while the "Good Witch" is just some mean popular White Girl. Anything right of Marx/Lenin/Mao is "far-right" according to the left. THey'll eat their own of they aren't left enough. It is still your ignorance as "The Wiz" is quite well known. Damn you are fucking stupid. The Movie isn't out yet so how can one answer? [quote]"I am Canadian, moron. I couldnt care less about your garbage politics, fox or cnn."[/quote] You inserted yourself into it when you posted your ignorance. now when you are being called on it you pretend that you couldn't care less? Then shut the fuck up and stay in Canada. [quote]he crossed state lines with an automatic rifle looking for trouble, you stupid brainwashed sheep[/quote] No he didn't you utterly incompetent and brain dead fucking idiot. You don't have a fucking clue. get one. People do stupid shit and use poor judgment all the time. that doesn't make it unrealistic (in your opinion) She is not several years younger than Jake's older Children. She is the same age as the middle child and only ONE year younger than the oldest. Jake's oldest (Neteyam)is 15. Jake's middle (Lo'ak) and Kiri are 14 Jake's youngest Tuktirey) is 9. Spider was already born during the first film (though not shown) and is 16. So assuming his oldest was conceived when he and Neytiri first mated (and Grace was still alive), and Grace's Avatar perhaps conceived right before she died... all we need to do is understand the 1 year discrepancy between Neteyam's birth and Kiri's. And that's done with the simple fact that after Grace's human death, her avatar was kept in stasis. Which likely slowed gestation. Yes people really do climb towers for the thrill of it. It doesn't matter that YOU "Rolled it around in your head" and decided "I don't think anyone would have done what they did." Just because YOU wouldn't doesn't mean no one would. There is a whole class of people that are Adrenaline junkies always looking for a thrill. CLimbing huge buildings and towers, mountains. skydiving, base jumping, etc....