MovieChat Forums > Kentry > Replies
Kentry's Replies
To be fair, AITF is like 48 years old. It's bound to have obsolete themes. ;)
But it wouldn't be much of a comedy if Chip KILLED someone... More like a straight up drama...
Oops. Was thinking of a LUNAR eclipse! D'oh! LOL.
At 2:30 PM, I will be WORKING. BOO! I assumed the eclipse would be at NIGHT! DRATS!
This happened on ANOTHER website so of course it wouldn't be typical of posters HERE... ;)
To be fair, Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss character isn't REALLY an action character. She shoots people with arrows and cleverly used a knife to cut down a nest of Tracker Jackers(Modified wasp like insects) on top of a group of people who were trying to kill her and one of them died, but she isn't really an action star. Katniss got her ass beat by a YOUNGER and SMALLER girl named Clove at the one on one fight at the Cornucopia in the First Hunger Games and was only saved because Thresh killed Clove to avenge Rue's death.
I found out about this site from either Google or IMDB2. :)
I began randomly sending unsolicited links to my own personal website through PMs. I was planning to give John The Admin a link to my own personal website, but John edited my link permanently before I could give him a hand picked invite(The website was less than 24 hours old and I was still selecting people to hand invite. I told people to keep the website link on the down low but someone went and told John about it, and he wondered why he wasn't invited. n hindsight, John should have been the FIRST person to be invited.) I found a new way to circumvent the edited link and I gave John the FIRST invite the second time around. I ended up also giving an unsolicited link to a poster I didn't even KNOW and vice versa. The poster called me out on the very public Soapbox about this stupid thing I did, saying,"Why did you send me an unsolicited link in a PM? I do not know you and I have reported your PM to the Admin." I responded,"Okay, I really shouldn't have sent an unsolicited link to a poster who didn't know me, " but it was too late as I was banned about 30 minutes later from the whole IMDB2.
But I am not Ben! I promise! We probably don't even live in the same STATE!
I love how Chip GRADUALLY becomes stalkerish and doesn't go full on force stalkerish right out the gate. :) Him showing up as a "coincidence" to Steven's basketball game was the first early red flag that he was a stalker...
I am not Ben!
I am only Ben!
I am NOT BEN! All The Admin and Mods have to do is do an IP search and it will be revealed that I am NOT BEN!
I am not Ben and The Cable Guy is a really great and wonderful movie!