MovieChat Forums > DeckardB26354 > Replies
DeckardB26354's Replies
I am quite sure Musk is not actually anti-immigrant, since he was one.
Isn't every single American classed in that category as well?
I second that. I've just finished watching it, and I was pleasantly surprised. 8/10.
Hey whynotwriteme, thanks, I think I'll make my Red Dead Redemption character based on Buster too. LoL
That's pure dead brilliant man, so it is.
Oi Gastonian you cunt, no we fucking can't.
Because he's British.
Oh fuck off you Troll.
It seems the little snowflakes are hurt and offended by being called those nasty hurty words.
Dunno about Wacko Jacko being the most famous singer in human history, but he certainly was the most famous child molester in human history that's for sure.
Solid State Drive.
A piss taking Troll.....
The CGI is absolutely fucking dire, and terrible for just 5 years ago!
I know, that's why I'm voting for Donald.
John Bonham was.
You're welcome.
You're correct, in Jack The Ripper Armande Assante played the part of a stage actor called Richard Mansfield, and who in turn played the part of Jekyll & Hyde on the theatre stage, coincidence I think not.
Did you also know that Richard Mansfield was a real life actor in Victorian times and he himself did play the part of Jekyll & Hyde on his many theatre tours.
You can check him out here ...
Oi TVShow100 I think you're living in cloud fucking cuckooland!
That woman is a thoroughbred MARXIST, and she is very dangerous for America, and that's all you need to know.
Woke shite indeed.
Well we've got to fling in the black, the latino, and the chink, because we've got to be seen that we're promoting and upholding the laws of 'THE MESSAGE'. 🙄✊🏻💦💦
Because Pukein and the Ragheads know they can't fuck around with Donald, because he won't take any of their shit.
Yeah fuck the haters, this is a really good film, I enjoyed it ... A LOT ... and I enjoyed Pitch Black even more.