MovieChat Forums > nte1igentwon > Replies
nte1igentwon's Replies
No. What I didn't expect was for Agent Harker to just stand frozen while Agent Carter slaughtered his wife. She definitely knew what was going to happen. I don't find that believable, even in a film where the paranormal is featured.
I've always thought she was gorgeous but I'm watching Gilmore for the first time and she's was stunning.
"Hey! This water feels heavy."😆
Very small scalpel incisions to stay awake. Very bad factual error.
The President conducted airstrikes on civilians, was in a third term, and disbanded the FBI. One would assume those are the actions of a tyrant. If you can't piece together the cause, I don't know what to tell you.
Cry harder. Fascism can come from the left or the right.
Virtue signal much?🙄😒
What doesn't make sense is you framing this show as a "diversity project". Cope harder.
Don't you get tired of being scared? Must be exhausting. Oh, and how do you keep from melting in all this heat?❄
Look how the powers that be decided to place the interstate system in urban/suburban areas.
Cry harder.
Wow! You're clueless. I'm the original poster. Is English your 2nd language? "Reeve's Superman follow-up" means the EXACT same thing as "Reeves follow up to starring in Superman". Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit. I didn't say "sequel" which is different from a follow-up. You assumed follow-up meant sequel. You were wrong.
Your lack cinema knowledge is what led to you misunderstanding MY OP.
A "follow-up" is the picture an actor does immediately after a particular role. As Superman I & II were filmed simultaneously and Somewhere in Time was released several months prior to the premiere of the sequel it is Reeve's follow-up to Superman.
Somewhere in Time was the Reeve's follow-up to Superman. Superman II was shot at the same time as Superman. SiT is very similar to LNiS.
Thanks. I thought it was clear.
You're being replaced! Cry harder. 😂
"Not good".😂
Neither is that 280lbs of orange shit stuffed into a 50lbs skin bag.
"The lady doth protest too much, me thinks."