jcdugger's Replies

Who has a better top 3? It's close. Probably Tarantino, but it's damn close. Pulp Fiction, Inglorious Basterds and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood...versus...Boogie Nights, There Will Be Blood and Magnolia. That's a tough-ass call. 6 great movies right there. But movies #4 through #9? Easy, Tarantino, by far. PTA has had some duds, you're right. JD Exactly. Boogie Nights and There Will Be Blood stand head and shoulders above anything else PTA has done. I still can't get over how boring both The Master and Inherent Vice were, especially with all the talent attached to them. I'm a guy who watches his favorite movies over and over again (seen BN and TWWB a combined 30 times I'd bet) and I still haven't went back for seconds on either The Master or Inherent Vice, could hardly get through them the first time, they were major disappointments. I'm actually a huge Magnolia fan...it's not a movie that's big in the pop culture world, which is why BN and TWBB still tower over it...but it's a damn good flick, one of my personal favorites. I'd rank both BN and TWBB in my personal Top 10 movies of all-time. Magnolia would be ranked more like 30th. Still very high, but doesn't quite reach the heights of BN and TWBB, both all-time classics. My rankings... 1. There Will Be Blood (10 out of 10) 2. Boogie Nights (10) 3. Magnolia (9.5) 4. Punch-Drunk Love (8) 5. Hard Eight (8) 6. Inherent Vice (5) 7. The Master (4) Going to see Phantom Thread today...will update! JD I missed out on Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction in theaters, but everything from Jackie Brown onwards has been must-see, opening night movies for me! I love me some Tarantino movies!! And Death Proof was a great night out for me, great fun. JD Wow...you are somewhat divorced from reality. If you have an active missing persons report, to the point where a "Missing" poster was made and articles by the NY Times were published about it, I'm sure you having a photo of that person is going to be taken seriously, if anything just to be able to close the case. If I tell all my friends "See ya clowns" on the way out of town, then you show up at the police station with a picture of me saying "Nobody has seen my friend since he told all of us to screw off, now I got a picture of him", sure, they're not going to care. But an open case with an active missing person that nobody ever heard from since the day he went missing?! One that garnered enough media attention for newspapers to write about it?? His friends and family all feeling that he met with foul play, nobody knows what happened to him and nobody ever heard from him since, and now you have a recent picture of him?! That's gonna garner some serious attention at the police station, sorry. JD No way. If you have a friend missing and you don't have any new evidence about the person, sure, it could be hard to get further attention from the authorities. BUT YOU HAVE A NEW, RECENT PICTURE of the person they printed "MISSING" posters for! Remember, he did a web search of the person and there were news articles about that particular person having gone mysteriously missing and there was a Missing-Persons poster on him. I promise you, if you walk into any police station in the USA and say about a missing person who's been in the news: "Hey, I've got a recent photo of a person who's missing...the local paper wrote that missing-persons article about the guy 6 months ago", no way are you not immediately swarmed with investigators. Walk in to a police station and say "Hey, remember that Jerome guy who went missing a year ago...you got any new info on him?"...they will say "Take a seat, we'll get with you in a while" and probably ignore you. Walk into that same station and say "Hey, remember that Jerome guy who went missing a year ago...I just took a photo of him here on my phone" and then see what happens. Two totally different reactions I'm sure. I can't stress this enough...he had a friggin' recent picture on his phone of a guy who's actively missing that they wrote articles about him and printed a "Missing" poster for! No way that goes unnoticed by even the Keystone cops. Somebody is going to take a special interest in that. If you want to convince me that scene was done for parody, fine, I can live with that. But don't expect to convince me that you can walk into a police station with a picture of a missing person on your phone and them not to take it seriously...even if you walk in talking about unicorns and aliens. First statement will always be..."Let me see the photo". JD How dumb. They're still going to investigate it at least a little bit. The guy is officially listed as a missing person...they're gonna want to know what's going on with him. No cop in the world is going to say "You've got a recent picture of a missing person on your phone? Oh well, without even looking into it, I'm just going to immediately determine that it's not a big deal, maybe it's a look-alike." Nuh-uh, that's not how things work. JD Well I know all that really. I guess what upsets me is that any investigator - even the world's worst one - is going to catch the fact that you have a missing person's photo on your phone! There's a girl here in my area that mysteriously went missing about 6 months ago, her name is Danielle. They found her car with her purse and keys locked inside the car, parked at her apartment. So if I went into the local police station and said "My friend is missing. I have a theory that aliens, who look exactly like unicorns but they speak English, are abducting people for sex parties and that's where my buddy is right now -- oh and he sent me a picture that he took yesterday of that local missing girl Danielle -- and the aliens are probably penetrating him as we speak, so we need to do something to help my friend."...what do you think would happen? I'd have to think even the most inexperienced and uneducated investigator in the USA is going to say "Ok, I don't care about your theories...what about the missing girl?" and/or "Show me the photo of Danielle right now". I don't think any investigator would possibly say "Oh well, we've been looking for this girl for 6 months, but you know, he has some weird theory about aliens and unicorns, so there is no need to question him further on HOW IN THE HELL he has a picture of a missing girl, let's just get everybody in here so we can laugh at his story!" Nuh-uh, no way. The focus, regardless of how ridiculous your story was, would be on whether or not somebody is missing and whether or not you have a recent photo of a missing girl! The authorities would be quickly scrambling to find out where the photo was taken and where your buddy was at/is at...they wouldn't focus on your alien-abduction bit. Even if they thought you were crazy, the first question would be..."Can you show me the photo of the missing person please?" Anything less than that is laughable. JD