jcdugger's Posts

What I thought of "Cleveland" was from this movie...and it was wrong!... Deleted segment, expertly written... Ol' Tim Honks... The sequels have already been named and plots revealed... Passport expires 09/11/2001?? Does she ever say her catchphrase in the movie?... Would you rather have a girl with baggage... JFK promised he would fulfill his 4-year term... How's the cinematography in this movie?... Wait a minute... Mary Mouser... Have u ever seen anybody faint because of something someone said?... This was at the theater?!... Do you think Elphaba's shit is also green?!... With a $250-Million budget, this thing is more in the red than... I didn't like these two particular aspects... Eli Roth / Adam Sandler/ And ???... Never really got that one iconic role... I don't buy the daughter theory... Inconsistent weather...