tonganprince's Replies

Kelly Labrock. Woman in red. I figured... Maybe they can fo something later in secret. Same with Survivor. They are not allowed to make deals. I think they arranged it for mei to have the best chance to win. The button thing was stupid and easily fixable. Underwhelming finale. They did know.. That's why Austin didn't play his idol. She was acting Grease? Thanks Rewatched again.. when he first gets left behind he logs into the HAB journal with a username and password, so my original complaint remains. :) It's the god awful hair and wardrobe. Other than that, she was OK. The whole laptop thing bothers me.. Not so much what you're talking about, but you would think they are all password protected. How is he able to get into everyone's laptop is not believable to me. That's real! :) I enjoyed it. Almost didn't watch because the poster looks like it's animated. I hate what Disney has done to SW. It would have been ok, but LIGHT SPEED WHALES? Give me a break. You couldn't sense the sarcasm? :) Iconic Imax with butt kickers 70mm nowhere near me No internet back then. Lol I saw Howard the duck twice. I still get the shakes. You guys need to watch it in Imax Holy shit? He was Jefferson? wow.