KevMill's Replies

People like you are sad. Boring?! WHY?! Please explain!? You people care far too much about the looks of celebrities. EXACTLY! I can't name one song she sings. My coworkers played one of her "best" songs for me and it was not good at all...I had to ask what was so great about this. I highly doubt she has any GROWN ADULT fans. Are you racist? Asking for a friend.. I loved Man of Steel, and Batman vs Superman was ok...this movie was below average at best. And yet you've watched every single installment since then...YOU people smh He sure did! And yet you'll STILL watch Get out of here with that mess! Are you racist? Asking for a friend.. YOU PEOPLE are the WORSE! Okay racist we see you SMH YOU PEOPLE complain about EVERYTHING!!! That would've been very cheesy to complete the full line. NO, it's pretty GOOD! Joke attempt??? I've heard great things about it from multiple places, so I'm definitely not taking YOUR word for it. SPOILER ALERT! Quit ruining sh*t for others. Pure GARBAGE!