Wesley93's Replies

It made more money as two films. My vote goes to Ned Leeds’s Hobgoblin. To be fair, I didn’t actually explain *why* Far From Home was my favorite Spidey movie. Here’s why: 1. The teenage camaraderie and humor. Jacob Batalon alone is a great edition, but him working together with Tom, Zendaya and the other “teen” characters is always enjoyable and keeps the movie from being boring. 2. The illusions. Mysterio was a great villain choice for this movie, and his mind games and illusions that keep you on your feet are absolutely breathtaking. It’s almost like a fantasy world from which Peter can’t escape. All movies have characters do stupid things to move the plot forward. Think of horror movies for example. Also, we’ve seen and heard about Uncle Ben for two franchises now. People are tired of Uncle Ben deaths and origin stories. Peter not talking about Uncle Ben doesn’t mean he is non-existent in this universe. They could just be saving the Uncle Ben reference for a special moment near the end of Holland’s franchise. (Also, teenager? I was born in 1993 and am 28 years old). Lots of movies have a romance that starts out with the girl thinking the guy is a loser and then beginning to like him. Nothing new. If all Aunt May did was worry about Peter’s safety, it would ruin the pacing of the film and not allow the story to go anywhere. Remember the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? Molly Weasley’s overprotective attitude toward Harry and Ron bogged that book down and made it slog on and on. The “worried about their safety” plot device is a recipe for horribly slow pacing and irritating characters. I was referring to Ned. Supposedly Jacob Batalon lost 101 lbs for his role in this film. Why would he undergo something so drastic unless he had a major part? Ned Leeds is one of the Hobgoblins from Spidey lore. I think it is either Venom or Hobgoblin. Far From Home was my favorite Spidey movie. No true red-blooded American should care what Hollywood thinks. Hollywood represents everything unAmerican. Not unheard of back then to be married at 19 or even to be a parent at 19. Also, regarding Stamos’s age, people looked and sounded a lot older back then than they do now. People today seem to grow up more slowly. I already conceded I was wrong. 100% troll. Not serious at all. I’ve changed my mind since posting this, I’m pretty sure they’re in the film now. Sorry if I came across as arrogant. Taiwan has been an independent country for years. China has no jurisdiction there. Probably gets associated with Batman and Robin a lot, which would be the reason it gets such negative attention. It is odd, because, after all, they are different movies and should be viewed separately. I have never heard of this movie or this character in my life. Bump Bump