MovieChat Forums > MichaelPacino > Replies
MichaelPacino's Replies
if theirs a pansexual agenda, i think they already succeeded lol.
To be fair, I don't think even Mila Kunis could have made this script sound funnier.
They keep going, do what they are doing, and if you don't like, you can go change it like people are doing for "The Last Jedi", you can say you didn't like it and move on, or like it and enjoy it. At the end of the day, nothing will get changed because of how both sides are acting.
First off, as someone who loves this movie, we don't make ourselves any better by calling names to those who didn't like it.
Secondly, I can see where people wouldn't like this movie, but that's okay. Let them do what they do. Unless they're hurting someone, nothing will change by sitting around on the internet arguing about it all day.
Thirdly, I'd expect better material from you Stephen Colbert
I apologize, I didn’t mean to get on your bad side, I was more reviewing the movie and what I felt it stood for wasn’t a good message. I’m sorry if I offended you in any way, that was not my intention.
Yeah i think Johnson had a good idea, but you can tell he's such a first time director, and honestly needed more time to hone his craft before he took on this large of a production. i think what Episode 9 will do is give the fans what they want, while giving out hopefully a satisfying conclusion
You're not wrong, I feel Johnson did what George Lucas did with the prequel trilogy.
Very true. The weakest part of Solo was the screenplay, which i wouldn't mind, if the writer wasn't Lawrence friggin Kasdan. Lord, and Miller knew the script was weak and tried fixing it but he got all upset.
I personally liked "The Last Jedi", but i can see why you didn't like it, and true their were scenes i wish would have been more emotion. One thing i genuinely loved in the opening was how Johnson made us feel for Rose's sister, without a word of dialogue, and just through her acting, and editing, but imagine if he had done that for the scene with Luke mourning over Han? Again though, Johnson is a newcomer who should have probably directed Solo, or Rouge one, since his style could've worked better for those movies.
I'd say "Solo" is okay, not good or bad, just ok. Wait till you can rent it is what I'd say.
Mainly Johnson I've seen be very experimental by not going the natural route, but rather go a whole new direction which no one was expecting. Again that's just my opinion, and if you don't see any experimentation, that's fine.
You're not wrong on the two types of people, but I wouldn't go that far to say Abrams and Johnson don't have any skill. Abrams revived "Star Trek" for a whole new generation, and I know tons of people who liked "The Force
Awakens" especially children now getting into "Star Wars".
Johnson has skill as well, for one I thought the cinematography, and the overall production design of "The Last Jedi" was impressive.
Kennedy I think has done some good but you're not wrong about her sucking up to George Lucas. She though does have a right to be upset at the fan base, because if I'm being honest, I think the fan base has been extremely harsh. Now growing up with "Star Wars" and is now the reason I Act, write, and Direct, I can see why the fan base would get upset, but I think theirs definitely a line the fan base has crossed. Again just my opinion.
"Only a suck-up would listen to someone they know is a fool. Hamill and Treverrow fought."
Very true, and so did Lord, and Miller. However, despite "Solo" doing okay at the box office, Kennedy, and Disney are now hopefully realizing their lessons. I want Disney to make good films, and I want Kennedy to be a good producer, and run Lucasfilms well. I'm gonna hope they take a few more chances and let the Lords, and Millers of the world make Star Wars good in this day and age.
Again just my opinion, so take it with a pinch of Salt.
Side note: I feel bad for Ron Howard since he had to completely clean up the mess Kennedy and Kasdan made.
the director of Oujia: origin of evil...
Whose directing it?
Well my best guess is they know this is segregation, and maybe that's a side plot of the movie? We weren't given much in the movie on what was changed in the movie, so we may have to wait and see what Burton decided to do. Also you talk about reality, but I think when a movie has an elephant flying, reality isn't really much of an issue at this point
Maybe they'll take the Kubrick approach and not make a straight forward adaptation, and just focus on taking elements from the book, and making it a good movie.
Well i'm talking more along the lines of firing Lord and Miller, because they were making a more comedic movie, even though a comedic star wars movie, after releasing a heavy dramatic one could've been nice for a movie going audience. It would've been more experimental to make a comedy, and see if it worked. Stuff like that i'm talking about
Well I've seen quite a bit of experimintation, but okay. But i do agree i believe their may be some kissing up to Kennedy, but that's how a lot of people play the game to get where they are. Is it sucky, yes, but she's the one with the money, and when the momeny talks on a big budget movie, you better listen is the name of the game.
Thank you very much :)
The Godfather Part 2
Lawrence Of Arabia
The Dark Knight
Singin' in the rain
Yeah, i'm on my laptop, and I didn't take into consideration for mobile users :P That'll be fixed