melholden's Replies

I don't see how claiming someone else's work, and getting rich and famous off it, is NOT a crime. I agree, sometimes she came across as mean and cold, and other times as kind and nice. Maybe her character was just also very confused. Probably had heard so many bad things about her future mother-in-law, and never expected to meet her, then she does, and Streep's character also is confusing on whether or not to be likable. Yeah, he really looked 'off' to me, and yeah the eyes looked funny. And he just looked 'dirty' and I know that's kinda the intent for such a band as they were in, but I grew up with him pictured clean and hot looking in TIGER BEAT and TEEN BEAT magazines, and he just looks bad in this movie. I disagree - to me she definitely changed her appearance in - MUSIC OF THE HEART THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA Probably a few more I'm not coming up with right now. I will agree she didn't 'change' in Ricki though - the movie sucked! Also, Sean Penn's good, sure disagree he's better than Streep. Her guitar playing boyfriend/band member hocked his awesome guitar to pay for the tickets. Did you miss that part?