Jellybeans's Replies

Anakin is naturally gifted, but he still needed training. So are the other Jedi. The thing is she never really had a mentor up until the movie. Who taught her mechanics. She was a loner. Anakin slaved in a junkyard with a purpose and guidance even if it was from a junkyard trader. I haven't read the book, but I've seen the 1974 version. I found that far superior. [spoiler] What I found wonderful was the glimpse of the past, a world away from the world. Both had that, but certain scenes in the 2017 version just drew it right out of me. Like the karate scene, or the attempted action scenes) i didn't like the diner meeting scene between Poirot and Ratchett. The 1974 version had Ratchett being very defensive when asked questions by Poirot, and that Poirot politely declined the offer. This Poirot goes off and says he doesn't like Ratchetts face? Scene is too long too. I didn't like the shootout or more convoluted plot. I didn't like the conclusion. When Poirot assembled all the guests to reveal the murderer. The 1974 gave Poirot a get out clause. Everything he said was outlined on conjecture (we all know he figured it out). None of the suspects admitted anything. Yet you knew he had them all on the knife edge. And everyone went off, including me with a taste that justice was done, that something good came from this tragedy. The new version didn't do that. They admitted it. Black and white scene of them acting like a rabid mob. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. [/spoiler] Yeah, that was unexpected. Had the same reaction. What on earth was the point of that! What were they thinking! What caught me off guard, was that speech to her kid near the end, when she handed him gun and said she set it on stun, because they're not like the people on the planet and don't go around killing people. [spoiler] the guy went off to get medicine for her. If he was a rapist, could've done her while she was unconcious. [/spoiler] Just another episode which I found uneven. Surpringly good. Graphics will hold up in 10 years time. Certainly will probably age better than the gfx in Fifth Element. Probably most enjoyable film I'll see this summer. Yeah, real shame. I was put off watching this, but enjoyed it more than expected. [spoiler][/spoiler] Come on Ridley! Get better writers. Seems like you got everything else right. The characters in Alien and Aliens weren't this stupid (even Lambert had her moments)