MovieChat Forums > Nosduj > Replies
Nosduj's Replies
Only 3 confirmed.
[spoiler]Dozens were swarming the house in the last scene.[/spoiler]
It was a murder-suicide. I guess he had had enough.
Those are not really their kids. This is a movie and all of those people were actors.
Prolly the solar panels the movie clearly showed.
You can rest easy because she DIDN'T give birth silently.
Maybe you need to watch it again and pay a little bit more attention.
You should pay more attention. There were FAR more than three coming for them at the end.
Also, it was made abuntantly clear that they were very difficult to kill.
Yeah. You really should pay attention. Especially since you seem to be looking very hard for something to complain about.
I am sure many people were killed because of just that.
As does nearly every movie ever made.
There were maybe a total of 5 distinct days depicted in the movie and you post a comment about not seeing it rain?
So one cam guess that they kept the firworks dry.
You witnessed the father putting down new sand. So yes we know that they had a system for replacing the sand.
Even without all of the above, if things like this bother you maybe movies are not the thing for you.
The stupid upward facing nail in the middle of a stair tread that did absolutely nothing for the plot is a far more aggregious clump of BS than what you are worried about and you never even noticed it.
No ROREY, the people who made the show made him black and good.
In The Closers Irving was clearly described as a white male. A horrible white male.
It puts me out because Irving is now a nice guy and he is not. He is a terrible person.
It puts me out that since they wanted Reddick so badly they cast him and were so afraid of the PC Police that they made him a good guy.
That should bother anyone who has an understanding for what Bosch went through over the years in the books dealing with Irving.
$3 gas is because of high crude oil prices.
High crude oil prices means we start prospecting and drilling out own oil.
Prospecting and drilling out own pletiful oil means tens of thousands of people go back to work and we move closer to energy independence.
All for a little extra out of our pockets at the pump.
I am happy to pay it.
"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt."
You need to take this old adage to heart ROREYKING.
You terribly underestimate Chuck Rhodes' mental issues.
Recall the Code-Red he received in boarding school? That was not just a space-filler story. That meant something.
Rhodes would throw his own children under the bus to punish who he sees as a bully.
Without ever realizing of course that he is a bully as well.
On an hourly basis.
He spoke his motives plainly in S1.
But the story cannot be told as intended. Do you know the story?
Detta Walker is crucial to it. Without a white man to hate, no Detta.
No Detta, and the Ka-Tet would have perished in Blaine's Cradle.
Pennywise is not IT.
IT is something else entirely and just uses the guise of a clown, as well as others, to physically manifest itself and interact with people.
IT is also not a spider.
The kids see IT as a spider because IT's form is so alien that to see it clearly would drive a human instantly insane.
So the kids "see" IT as a spider as that is the only thing that their minds can comprehend it as.
It is quite clear and makes sense in words but I feel that this will be difficult to translate to the screen and will appear very cheesy.
You're so right.
They should have just had them all die on that rock and ended the entire show right there.
Good thinking GOON!
What makes you so sure there is a prisoner at the Wall to execute?
You have obviously not been watching if you think Jon would kill someone just so that he can show the body to others.
And the biggest reason I guess, is that there is no reason to expect that someone killed at the Wall will turn into a Wight. People die all over Westros and they don't all turn into Wights. They need to be killed by a Wight or raised by the Night King.
So there are a lot of reasons. None of them are too difficult to come to on one's own.