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Ziggy's Replies

And, who is "Dictator Joe?" Your question is couched is such a way that it does not allow for Trump to do anything wrong and doesn't allow for Biden to do anything right. It is also based on a false premise that the President can cause instantaneous changes in the economy. So, I am neither being "dumb" nor an "intellectual coward." I do find it very sad that you would say "intellectual coward," as if there is a reason that an intelligent person should be afraid. Are you one of those people who think that education is somehow a bad thing? That learning and growing is somehow not something to strive for or be proud of or admire? There are many, many ways that people can positively contribute to society without seeking higher education, but our society can only grow if people are willing to learn and explore and grow. A society cannot grow if higher education is looked down upon. Nothing Trump ever said in a debate was intelligent or indicative of a strong leader. He let the other candidates do all the thinking and just said things like "wrong," "fake news," "I'm the best," "No one's smarter than me." Ask him to say "2 Corinthians," and he'll say "Two Corinthians," when anyone who's ever opened a Bible knows the correct way to read it is "Second Corinthians." I'm not saying a President needs to be a Christian, but I find it quite insulting that he would pretend that he actually reads the Bible or is a Christian. <blockquote>THe common view, that you are pushing, is that our nation is generally speaking, still quite racist, so we need massive and constant effort in fighting that racism and discrimination. </blockquote> Not exactly. I wasn't looking at this from the perspective of how should the government deal with racism. I was speaking more on the personal level. Racism exists, and there are many times when individuals face discrimination. Some of that is only going to change if we start standing up for others. Governmental policy is not always the answer. My point is that there is racism, and when you say someone is "playing the race card," you are dismissing them and their experience. You might feel as those most of the people who cry racism are really crying wolf, but that attitude is not helping. Assuming people are insincere is just as bad as always assuming what they are saying is completely accurate. You have to try to find the middle ground where you take people seriously and give them a chance to tell their story, while also allowing for the possibility that some people are going to lie or exaggerate. But it's a mistake to assume that everyone is lying or exaggerating. <blockquote>This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on anti-racism since the mid 60s. The few white racists left, have no voice in national policy or government. </blockquote> I cannot believe you could honestly type that with a straight face! Most of the "fear mongering" in politics is really about white males not wanting to lose their power. <blockquote>you refuse to even discuss the problem</blockquote> What do you think the problem is that I'm refusing to discuss? I was just pointing out the fact that mentioning racism is not the same thing as playing the race card. Who is this person you speak of? Who? Who? Wow!!! Thank you :-) There will always be examples of people doing the wrong thing are claiming discrimination where it doesn't occur. The best thing you can do in those cases is walk away. Racism is very real. Discrimination is very real. Focusing on the select few who either exploit it or have a victim mentality is never going to make things better. You have to be part of the solution, not make the problem worse. If you assume that everyone who claims to be a victim of racism is actually playing the race card, you are about as far from Kumbaya as it gets. Stop spreading hate. Be better. <blockquote>"Exists" is a cowardly cop out. THe question is is our society racist or not. Are white people AS A GROUP, or generally speaking, racist. </blockquote> I've never felt like that was the question. I don't believe all whites are racist any more than I believe all blacks are criminals or all Muslims are suicide bombers or all men are sexist. If someone assumes you're racist because your white, that's on them. Prove them wrong, but do so in a positive way. Don't complain. Be better! <blockquote>Any serious discussion of racism or racial policy should open with a Kumbah ya moment of acknowledging that the both parties have been supportive of racial equality for minoriteis since the mid 60s.</blockquote> That would be great, but you have to deal with racism whether this happens or not. So deal with it. Don't run a way from it and complain because you feel like you are being blamed for the actions of others. How do you think minorities feel about always being considered less than by some whites? How do you think they feel about some always assuming they're not qualified or they'll just cause trouble or they're stupid or lazy? It stinks! Be better! <blockquote>Pretending the white racism against minorities is a serious force in our society today, turns minoritiies against whites, and liberal whites against more conservative whites. And pisses off conservative and non-racist whites against all the fucktards who talk shit about US. </blockquote> People complain that racism exists because racism exists. Stop making it about you and try to do something positive to change things. The people outside the US who look down on the US were always going to look down on the US. That's not a reason to stop TRYING TO DO BETTER!!! Pointing out racism isn't the problem. Denying that racism against non whites exists, is the problem. Racism is a problem, and there most certainly are whites that are "out to get" minorities. Not everyone who is white is racist, but it's dishonest and disingenuous to pretend otherwise. Passing laws helps, but not every act of discrimination is illegal. It's unfortunate that racism (and sexism and other forms of discrimination) exists at all, but burying your head in the sand and pretending that those who bring attention to it are the problem is only going to result in making things worse. Denial is not your friend. <blockquote>they play the race card, for one example. That is dividing US. </blockquote> Are you saying that racism isn't dividing the country, but pointing out racism is? For … ? I have no idea what a sock account is, but I’m going with you having no idea what Woke means and just using the word as hate speech. You are a very insecure individual who is hoping your insults will be enough to overshadow your ignorance. I suspect you don’t actually know what woke means. I actually am being sincere, and the only person humiliating themselves is the person unwilling to answer such a simple question. Come back after you take Econ 101. Then you'll have a better understanding of why everything you said is wrong. FYI, Econ 101 is an entry level university course in economics. What every the field of study (math, English, biology, economics) when you put 101 after it, it means the very first course that a college student would take in that subject. You and AbolishWokeness seem to have turned on each other. I thought you were both "anti-woke," whatever that means to you. Shouldn't you be on the same side and not attacking each other?