MovieChat Forums > Ziggy > Replies

Ziggy's Replies

Putin is very much interested in restoring the former Soviet Union. He has stated that the countries that were part of the Soviet Union rightfully belong to Russia. He has stated that it is his right to regain those countries by force. Because he has said this, it is important realize that if he were to gain control of Ukraine, he would probably not stop there, but move on to the next country. This is a valid concern. The idea of peace talks is often thrown around with one side or the other saying no for whatever reason. Russia wants control ... Ukraine wants Russia to withdraw troops. Not sure where you got the idea that it was the Democrats (of a nation not at war) pulling the strings. Yes, imagine your neighbor, Russia, was pointing missiles at you all day and even dropping bombs. <blockquote>I don't know where you are getting ANY of that. </blockquote> Really?!? Look at the first few posts in this thread and remind yourself of the conversation. <blockquote> [–] JoWilli (17999) 2 hours ago why do you continue to post fake content?</blockquote> You're cute! You have double standards. You feel free to say "idiot," "asshole" and "fuck you," but you complain when anyone says anything negative to you or about you or even just explain why what you said was incorrect. <blockquote> [–] Gd5150 (11561) 2 days ago democrats bombed Nordstream ... Democrats are constantly saber rattling ... Democrats made up Russia collusion ... Democrats chose to ... If Trump is elected this war will end. </blockquote> All I did was restate Gd5150's belief that the Democrats are to blame for everything and Trump will fix it all. <blockquote>I want an end to the fighting. That is my goal.</blockquote> Right. And by aiding Ukraine in defending itself against it's attacker, the US is attempting to get the attacker (Russia) to go away, thus ending the fighting. By not aiding Ukraine, the US would (by default) be supporting Putin and his efforts to conquer a sovereign nation. <blockquote>It seems that Biden's and Harris's goal is regime change in russia. </blockquote> I'm not convinced that that is necessarily a bad thing, as Putin is a dangerous person, but I do not believe there are any indications that this is true. So far, the only thing the US has done is aid Ukraine. You seem to think that aiding Ukraine is the same thing as invading Russia. In simple schoolyard words, Robby was beating up Kenny. Sam jumped in front of Kenny to protect him against Robby. Instead of recognizing that Sam is simply trying to protect Kenny from Robby, you are saying the Sam caused the entire thing. Because the argument the two of you seem to be using is that the only reason their is a war in Ukraine is because Democrats started it and are using it for their own gain. You seem to be skipping the part where Putin and Russia invaded Ukraine. You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that the US wouldn't be involved if Putin hadn't attempted to gain control of a sovereign nation. That, or you think Putin invaded Ukraine because he's a good guy and has altruistic reasons for doing so. I do not believe those claims are very extraordinary. Putin has often spoke about his desire to reclaim the former Soviet Union. Is your argument not that the US should not be helping Ukraine prevent Russia from taking over? So if the US is not helping, would that not be allowing Russia to simply walk in and take over? I realize the US is not the only country aiding Ukraine, but losing the support of the US would be significant. Are you honestly saying that you think Putin is a good person? Forget Democrat or Republican of MAGA or whatever. Do you really think Putin is a good person? I’m not pro war. You think Trump will end the war, and I think you are wrong. That’s not the same thing. Disagreeing with someone is not the same thing as attacking them. Calling someone an asshole and telling them to fuck off, is a form of attacking them. Pointing that out is neither about your personality nor an attack in you. It is merely explaining to you that those behaviors and not generally effective or looked upon favorably in society. In other words, you are not effectively articulating your point. Putin most certainly will attack a NATO member ... after he gains a few other countries. Putin most definitely is not an idiot. He's very calculating, and he's careful about what he says. But make no mistake about it, if he is permitted to simply take over Ukraine, he will not stop there. <blockquote>if you think that is an overreaction to your post, you can go grow a thicker skin. </blockquote> You misunderstand. I really don't give a rat's booty how you react to what I'm saying (This sounds familiar). You're not going to hurt my feelings. I was simply letting you know that what I said previously was not an attack. You, on the other hand, take everything I say very personally. If you feel the need to say things like: <blockquote>Act like an asshole</blockquote> <blockquote>GO FUCK YOURSELF. </blockquote> <blockquote>fuck yourself again</blockquote> that's on you. That is simply you having little temper tantrums and not knowing how else to deal with your hurt feelings. As a mother of teenagers, I have, once upon a time, dealt with temper tantrums and meltdowns. Usually, they happen when toddlers and preschoolers are hungry or tired or scared or just feel like they have no control over anything. So what you are saying is most definitely an overreaction. But that's on you. My skin is plenty thick. I'm just trying to explain it to you so that you learn from it and focus on the subject at hand. You can't seriously think that other people read you emotional outbursts and think to themselves, "You know, I was going to vote for Harris, but since you spent so much energy on those outbursts, maybe I will vote for Trump." If they don't laugh at you and move on, the most you can expect is, "Yep, if I vote for Trump, I get to look forward to a President who is just as immature. No, thank you. I'm voting for Harris." You are going to need to develop a much, much (MUCH) thicker skin if you think anything I said was worthy of the word "attack." Is it? Is Gd5150 a he? It’s called exaggerating for emphasis, except in this case, it’s not much of an exaggeration. It concerns me that you either didn’t realize that or were pretending to not realize that. Does that make you a liar? Of course it was the Democrats. They have so much power and control the entire world!!! But Trump can save us. Trump can do anything. It concerns me that you do not realize how ridiculous that sounds. Nothing you said negates anything I said. <blockquote>If Putin wanted to take over the world like you suggest, he wouldn’t be proposing peace deals.</blockquote> Does it not strike you has disingenuous of him to invade a sovereign nation and then propose peace? What was he hoping to accomplish by invading? If Putin is proposing peace, it's because he knows he isn't going to easily conquer Ukraine. They were able to put up more of a fight than he expected. He's trying to save face and not lose more soldiers, weapons, etc. Did you think he was proposing peace out of the goodness of his heart? You are really confused about the amount of power the United States has over other sovereign nations. Ukraine proposed a peace plan in September 2022. Russia rejected it. Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. September is hardly 1 month after February. That's absolutely irrelevant. If Putin gains control of Ukraine, it will become even easier for him to invade another country (possibly a NATO country), which will make it even easier to invade another and then another and then another ...