TearofLys's Replies

They like to get the no makeup, wearing sweat pants, and doing something naughty pics. I honestly wouldn't recognize the woman from that pic as Christina Applegate if she walked right up to me. I will try to always remember her as Veronica Corningstone. Africa is a very big place and those from Northern Africa aren't "black" how we typically think of it. They are a much lighter shade than say blacks from the sub-Saharan region. She doesn't realize that she fell into his trap. He is a troll that wanted this response. Odd thing to notice. The shape of her face has changed since she was in Killer Joe. Plastic surgery I am guessing. Botox around the eyes could affect blink rate. Or maybe it was just an unconscious reflex of hers when she knew the camera was on her. Well, fuck. Reminds me of Hillary sending out pedo Podesta in 2016 to say essentially the same thing, while she literally cried into a pillow. Trump wins again. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/11/05/us/elections/results-president-forecast-needle.html Cry more, commie. Good luck trying to find someone to challenge J.D. Vance in 2028. I think you mean President J.D. Vance in 2029. Legitimate question, who do the dems have that can realistically challenge him? They need someone better than Gavin Newsome. She is 60 years old, and she and her husband are multimillionaires. I think they just walk off into the sunset, never to be seen again. I know the democratic party is happy to untether themselves from her. Who will be their candidate to challenge J.D. Vance in 2028? I don't think Gavin Newsome measures up. Maybe they have someone else. Anyone who understands how laws are passed in America knows THERE WILL NEVER BE A FEDERAL ABORTION LAW, due mostly to the Senate filibuster. It is a state issue for the forseeable future, but federal level dem candidates still run on it, knowing it is a state issue. Dude, you are living on a different plane of existence than the rest of us. SpaceX should study you. hormone replacement therapy might save America. He is citing research. If a man has low T and you inject him with testosterone, his whole worldview becomes more right wing. It sounds like bullshit, but it is true. https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/155441/version/V1/view psychopaths are over-represented in politics, but they are not all psychopaths. I don't think of it as forcing. They all support Trump. I just remind them there is a difference between supporting Trump, and voting for him. Only the latter really matters. Still waiting for someone to give me a compelling explanation for why this vapid psychopath should be the leader of the most powerful country in the world. That she has "nice teeth" doesn't count. I said Kamala is a bona-fide psychopath. I gave my reasons, citing the DSM-V and challenged anyone to refute me. No one did. I said Trump is a bit of a narcissist, which no one, can really deny. However, I also said that he is by far the best choice to lead this country out of the morass it finds itself in. If I was unclear at some point, I apologize. For the record, I support Donald J. Trump 100%. I have gotten every non-voting relative I have to show up to the polls, just this one time, just so they can vote for, what is in my humble opinion, the savior of Western Civilization (yes, I believe that). If he falls, like dominoes, the rest of Europe will. Russia and North Korea will conquer what is left of Ukraine, and will make demands of Europe that they will have to acquiesce to as they have nothing to stop them. Russia/NK/China and every other BRICS nation will demand they bend the knee, or else, and they will. Based on polling data, early returns, and an often overlooked Gallup poll that shows most Americans identify as Republican in 2024. https://news.gallup.com/poll/651092/2024-election-environment-favorable-gop.aspx This is a BIG DEAL, as most national pollsters use Gallup estimates as polling weights. However, they didn't implement the results of this most recent Gallup poll. If this Gallup poll is right, it means almost every national poll is underestimating Trump by a ridiculous margin and there will be a landslide for Trump tomorrow. Remember this post, and I told you so. Even with rampant fraud, no way this vapid psychopath becomes President-elect. I will remember you as a poster on this obscure IMDB afterthought site as a guy that gets it. It is hard to blame them when controlled media bombards them with propaganda 24/7. so many don't realize they are being lied to on a daily basis. As one example, many believe Project 2025 was concocted by the Trump team, when in reality, it was manufactured by dems, and through the bought and paid for media, ascribed to Trump. Absolutely asinine. I procure information from every source i can, which allows me to see how perniciously the MSM lies (which I surmise is true for you as well). It is extremely unlikely we will convince voters to distrust MSM in this night. We should make a case on a person-to-person level how a vote for Kamala is just a stab into the heart of everything we hold dear.