TearofLys's Posts

Watched the movie today If there is a good thing I can say about him some commie added that unflattering pic of the richest Aspie ever About a 90% chance of Trump winning according to NYT Parting thought, as the U.S goes, the Western World goes. To the naysayers, ask yourselves, why is he the most popular podcaster in the world? IMO, a bona-fide psychopath Do it....Do it....Do it. April Ludgate is now older than Ron Swanson was at the beginning of Parks and Rec Accused of plagarism Danica endorses The Don and tells haters of America to GTFO Congratulations on winning the 2024 U.S. Tennis Open Great coach, but horrible actor Matt, I hope you are in Valhalla, with the other warriors that fought demons of Earth Looks like a Mexican version of Billy Bob Thornton. is she so vapid that she doesn't realize who really runs Hollywood Solid movie How does this compare to other Sandler movies? Watched it, thought it was good So, where does Reacher find the time to get to the gym,