joegerardi's Replies

Yeah but... To paraphrase a line from Jurassic Park: “The filmmakers were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” ..Joe Korea is a very restrained culture when it comes to sexual mores. It's slowly easing up, but what you see in these K-Dramas is pretty much what it's really like. ..Joe I agree. Anyone really think the character went around hissing and trying to terrify people? A serial killer is notable by his normalness: how he is part of the crowd. Hopkins just chewed the scenery and played it as evil; Cox played him as a "normal" person that killed and ate people. Remember: an insane person thinks he's sane and everyone else is abnormal. ..Joe Actually, this WAS a happy ending. She got to go at the end, and end a thousand years of penury for her acts, all due to his love for her. I'd call that pretty happy. ..Joe No. And that's enough plastic to supply Mattel for a year. Sad what people will do to try to remain relevant. ..Joe Just stupidity, probability. Factor that in that he never tried to conceal it and you have doubly stupid. Even in the interview he stated that the box was open until confronted. then he squirmed and tried to get out of it. ..Joe How was she was "born" Japanese? Her parents died in a car accident when she was pregnant with Motoko. she wasn "born," as much as she was "grown" in a lab. ..Joe Yes. Probably best known for his New World Symphony. I didn't enjoy any of his music written after he came to the US. Some of his String Quartets are quite nice, though. ..Joe I think they should have released all the episodes at the same time because the show is slow and plodding. Had to retain interest for a whole week when it's so boring. I'll probably see it through, but it's getting almost as slow as "Wheel of Time." ..Joe " I think this series is better crafted than The Wheel of Time" That's damning with faint praise: It's like stating that Chlamydia is better than Gonorrhea. ..Joe Homophobe? You realize HE was the one that defended Rock Hudson's casting in "The Undefeated?" You know that Roscoe Lee Browne and John Wayne shared a love of poetry. The two would often sit on the set of The Cowboys and trade their favorite verses between takes. Racist? You know that several of his wives were Mexican, right? A lot of people simply ascribe to the Left's view on him without knowing the facts. ..Joe Easy to say anything about someone dead that cannot defend himself. "SIX security men?" Who was he? Thor? ..Joe Well done. ..Joe Well, I don't know about that, but so far, I'm disliking it because of the terrible story. An officer gets out of an aircraft, and doesn't put on her cover? Then, she's saluted by a Navy personnel, while still not wearing her cover? Then, she salutes a superior inside? This is all in the first 3 minutes. Then, she strips the frame off her M17 with one hand, and stabs the baddie in the eye with it. Kinda impossible to do. I know: I own the P320, which the M17 was based off. No way it can have the slide taken off with one hand. It needs the magazine removed, then it needs to have the bullet removed from the chamber, then it needs to be racked, then it's needs the takedown lever rotated 180 degrees, then the slide needs to be moved forward while the trigger is released. You should try it. (Though, I know you think that if you get within 10 feet of a gun, it will go off all by itself and shoot a 4 year old in the face...) Yes, I know that you'll say it's just a movie, but if it is, why make her military if they' not going to follow doctrine? Could have just as easily made her a civilian contractor that was former military, and everything would have been fine; Why have her do things that are impossible just to make her look badass? She could have grabbed a pen out of her pocket and done the same thing. I don't care she's a female: I care that it's an incredible sloppy movie... ...and I'm about as Conservative as they come. ..Joe Article doesn't say a thing about them standing in front of the door. That's the training I'm writing about: they stand to either side, with some sort of cover, or they stand away to control the situation. I wrote the "scene was weak," not the agents. You shouldn't twist what other people write. ..Joe No, we just don't use a crappy failure of a FILM for "allegory." (Which is how it is actually spelled.) Additionally: WWI- Wilson (Democrat); WWII- Roosevelt (Democrat); Korea- Truman (Democrat); Vietnam- Kennedy/Johnson (Democrats); Middle East- Bush/Obama/Trump/Biden.) 2 Democrats, 2 Republicans. That's 7 Democrats to 2 Republicans. One could make the argument that Korea also had Eisenhower and Vietnam also had Nixon, but that's still 7 to 4, which makes it the Democrats that are the war mongers, and the Republicans who extricate us from the mess created. Of course you'll find some way to negate that, because Liberals can't be seen as hawks. ..Joe More like genital warts. ..Joe That's like saying Chlamydia is better than Syphilis- still doesn't make you want to have one over the other. ..Joe An understanding of Islam would be better. This is parable of how Islam came about, and Paul is Mohammad. ..Joe The biggest issue is that it's the Left's *perception* of what the Right is, and like all perception, it's based on individual opinion. Whilst everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, they can be wrong, as evinced here. ..Joe