vintagecardigan's Replies

they played skin the fool with him it was after christian had sex with the redhead and she never speaks! very disappointing. she looked great at least.. it's not the most captivating of films but its worth watching to get a sense of what went down yeah it was pretty gory! him slicing his arms was gnarly.. it was a truly awful way to start a movie but luckily it only lasts for the first few minutes wow that's a sooner dvd release than i would have imagined. it's playing every day at a local theater right now! glad more people will have the opportunity to see it. A local theater had a showing 2 years ago. I went on a whim, only knowing there was a controversial scene. I'm glad I did! He is the lesser of three evils. I cringe every time he calls Rory "Ace." Unexpected love for this film. Glad I took a chance on it. i spoke too soon. arizona rehab it is. ..aaaand off to Europe because he wants "peace". coward. I couldn't stop thinking he looked like Ralph Fiennes and Cillian Murphy (sorry Ralph Fiennes and Cillian Murphy).