Moderator3's Replies

You're welcome, MovieManCin2. Our aim is to apply the Community Rules and TOS evenly and fairly. Appropriate informal warnings have been given. Please scroll up. Or down, as the case may be :) Please keep in mind when posting that MovieChat has Community Rules, one of which is no flaming (i.e., insulting others). This is an informal warning. We have a system in place where if you are given three formal warnings, you're out. Obviously we'd prefer to not do that, as you're a valued member of MovieChat, but please do heed this warning. With thanks, Mod3 Please keep in mind when posting that MovieChat has Community Rules, one of which is no flaming (i.e., insulting others). This is an informal warning. We have a system in place where if you are given three formal warnings, you're out. Obviously we'd prefer to not do that, as you're a valued member of MovieChat, but please do heed this warning. With thanks, Mod3