Levtones's Replies

I'd punch Sarah Silverman in the face just for existing. Is it not? I think you're all on crack. Can't act for shit though. Thought so. Yeah, so? Also, what the fuck is Juneteenth? I'm still not sure which is worse – CGI fire or CGI blood. It definitely isn't. The Loved Ones is a cult classic at this point. Add another 23 minutes to that and you're correct. It's almost like there's a site on the internet where you can verify these things. Hmmm... I kinda zoned out about 45 minutes in due to boredom, so the rest was quite a slog to get through. Can't blame him. Samara and her feet are very sexy. She's an awful actress and her eyes freak me the fuck out. Fucking dick. Guess we'll find out in October. Why is he dubbed in the trailer though? She owns any film she's in. Anyway, this was great trashy fun – some people just need to learn to not take everything so seriously. Gave up on episode 3 – absolute shite. I've been watching Korean films for 20 years, so the sudden change in tone wasn't as jarring to me as it would be to newcomers. The Foul King, The Quiet Family, A Taxi Driver. His performance was worse than his accent, and that’s saying something.