csweetleaf2's Posts

Question about the motel clerk at the second hotel they've stayed at? Was Vince Barnes truly a bad guy? Who was the worst between Helen, Vince or Eliot? Does anyone find Giant Steps' "Another Lover" to be a very underrated song? Who was the blonde girl on the motorcycle? On a scale of 0-10 how did you like "Loverboy"? Who was more despicable between Terence Fletcher or Dick Thornburg on Die Hard? Why do people hate this movie so much? Why do so many Christians like Donald Trump so much? Why did the barbershop guys stay calm (spoilers)? Is it just me or was Bev's hairstyle as a child more 1990 than 1960? Dracula (1931) or Frankenstein (1931)? Who was it that put the ice cream in the drawers? Is it just me or was Ronnie Coleman a tame bully? Spoiler question about Elizabeth? Why didn't the bumper car operator want to take Rocky's ticket? I wonder what kind of father Frank was to his children? RIP James Earl Jones "Mufasa" When it comes to movies am I the only one who prefers movies with opening credits?