MovieChat Forums > jasonbourne > Replies
jasonbourne's Replies
I meant if there was no psychiatrist scene, then Hitch would've probably plotted out a much different movie. Maybe more of a classic Hitchcock movie instead of what we get with Psycho. We may not have gotten the "Arbogast" saying sheriff scene.
Furthermore, you are right that have some kind of expert appear is what makes a film easier to explain for the more complex parts. In Jaws, we had the coroner who discussed it as a shark attack, marine biologist Richard Dreyfuss describing a very large shark, and Robert Shaw providing the first-hand experience and screechy fingernails on the blackboard.
Yes, the classic Psycho could have been extended out. I don't know all the background, but it was fortunate Hitchcock went for making the money. I think Psycho pre-dates Jaws in terms of starting the summer blockbuster even though Jaws is given credit for it in movie history.
I suppose if you're a film critic, then Frenzy is better than Psycho. It has more the makings of the classic Hitchcock with the lead accused of a crime he didn't commit while Psycho is more the action adventure horror film like Jaws. I think Psycho was released as a summer blockbuster movie where people do not want to have to think too much after spending a day out in the hot sun. And I guess that is why they had the psychiatrist in the film at the end. A classic Psycho would probably have left him out and we may see Norman growing up more as a boy with his mother. We may even have the two girls who were killed.
I don't remember Frenzy as well as you do, so will have to watch it again in the near future.
There really isn't a drinking scene in the movie. I'll watch a movie with a drink and drink when the main character drinks. I hate to drink alone.
It wouldn't bother me even if I absconded with $400,000 in today's money and stayed at room #1 in a motel like that on a deserted highway. What would be creepy is if I saw a silhouette of an old woman in a house next door and then I heard her talking to her homosexual son angrily and loudly in a very disapproving manner. Then I'd skip the shower and leave with money on the bed for the room. Fairvale here I come to see Marion and take a shower with her ;).
I still think it's awesome whether you believe it was Frank Martin or not. We find out that Vincent is the type of guy who is talkative to people whom he meets or become involved with his job. I think the only time he wasn't was when Max didn't hear him when he was hailed for a ride by Vincent. It's not a typical role for Tom Cruise.
If he was listed as Frank Martin in the credits, then Mann would prolly have to pay royalties or something.
I've read some of your other complaints and they're weak as your thinking and formulating arguments. I couldn't continue reading it, so I stopped. If there is another point you want me to address, then I will but try to be specific.
We know that only life creates life. Thus, it is evidence for God and creation science as the scientific method backs up Dr. Louis Pasteur's experiment. Abiogenesis cannot possibly happen. Furthermore, in 2017 it was demonstrated that the chicken came before the egg. Evolutionists must have the egg come first, so they keep ignoring the findings.
There is so much evidence to back up God's word in the Bible that the only way remaining for those who insist on the wrong theories of the science of atheism, like you, is death itself. If our [i]supernatural[/i] lives do not continue and most of us end in sleeping states AFTER DEATH, then the science of atheism was right in that is all there was. Life was not supernatural, but natural and once we die, we die. However, the evidence does not show that any of evolution is valid theory.
Will you risk your supernatural [i]life[/i] in order to prove it is natural life, despite the scientific method evidence, and risk spending eternity in the Lake of Fire?
If you want to continue this discussion, then I can explain the greatest thing an atheist ever said. It stumped me for over a year.
I didn't have time to read it all, but will come back later. Just wanted to explain what the supernatural is in our world. It is right in front of your eyes every day. It is LIFE itself. Once life is gone, then it cannot come back (unless you had a near-death experience). Life cannot be created. Only living creatures can create life through reproduction. However, we cannot create life. Life cannot form from non-life.
Otherwise, we would see it. I heard and read about abiogenesis; It was called spontaneous generation earlier, but that was debunked by Dr. Louis Pasteur. He demonstrated through the scientific method that only life creates life. There is no scientific method to back up abiogenesis. People believe that because today we have the science of atheism or fake science.
I think we'll give credit to AH again, but it was:
Anthony Perkins - Really didn't get ANY credit he deserved for Best Actor
Janet Leigh - Best Supporting Actress
Alfred Hitchcock - Didn't get the credit he deserved for Best Film, Best Director, Best Producer
Oh, so that's what happened to Benjamin and Elaine. They made a fortune in plastics and gave it away ;).
It wasn't just once but twice. I was thinking if they left Mark Wahlberg alone, then he would've been the hero.
I guess they had to extend the scene a bit.
There is a part of BLM that is <u>communist</u>. Obviously, they want to get rid of Jesus first.
The opening may not been part of the dream. It was the son Jason, now fully grown into an adult, looking for Alice. Instead of moving away she still lived at the town of Crystal Lake. You have to use your imagination to figure out how he knew she was the one as it isn't explained. The first movie had Crazy Ralph explain that the counselors were cursed and were going to die. Jason Voorhees had a sixth sense about who to kill. Both Friday the 13th and Friday the 13th Part II would be a good double feature at the drive-in. Are there director's cuts or not edited versions of the two movies?
Atheists/Ags were out from the beginning since God knew ahead of time who would reach heaven and who would not. God had a negative test for Adam and Eve to not eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. This time he has a positive test to believe in Lord Jesus as the Savior from Adam's sin. Basically, that's it but through Satan it has gotten complicated. He got Adam and Eve and now he has many due to what I think liberalism, atheism, and agnosticism. He's also contradicted God in everything he said in the Bible with his Antibible of Evolution. It cannot be a coincidence that everything God said is contradicted by evolution. There are usually no coincidences with bad things.
You mean when he comes back like Terminator 2 Judgment Day? Jesus will have his own choice of weapons, but I can see him cock a Winchester 1887. Just like the T-800, JC should get a lot of mileage firing it at will.
What bothered me at the end was why didn't others figure out their amplified feedback as their weakness? It's similar to the Mars Attacks card/comic story. We all hate that feedback, too. Maybe fingernails scratching a blackboard bothers them, as well. Maybe some music will put them to sleep. While others will make them go crazy like someone blasting their car stereo too loud.
It's Dick Miller.
You may not believe in a great white of that size, but they do grow to that size and more. They may not prey and feed on humans like that, but we know they have attacked humans. It's not unreasonable to think that a great white of that size to attack humans and cause great fear and disturbance in the area. OTOH, one can be like the townspeople and not take it seriously.
Surely, it's horror at its peak. Some people do not get it until they experience it and then it may be too late.
Wow. Nice list. Paul's bass playing is well deserved -- [url][/url]
I see what you did there. Dick Miller didn't work with Hitchcock. Probably signed to a different studio, but he seems like a guy who is well remembered for his scenes and could just come in and do his scene and leave. IOW, he was a pro, so could have played a scene in Rope, for example, and we would remember his role. Hitch would've probably liked that and I can see him using Dick Miller. In Terminator, which seemed like a cheap movie for the time, he did a great job. He had more lines than, "Hey, you can't do that in here," but that's what he's remembered for. I can see him doing that cold and in one take. They may have to get that, "Wrong" by Arnold a few times so he's blown away just right -- [url][/url]
I think the guy who worked with Corman and also Hitch was Ray Milland. I don't know how he was able to do that though.
He was a loose end.