Stetstrum13's Replies

Bad try! It was way more than a sitcom. It had documentary-type Eps with real life footage (like of the Olympics in the 1950!). Very important! NK is NG! We need CDC warnings! Excellent webpage! Catch it at youtube. The full movie! Very easy!Because bisexual men get the disease from totally gay men and the former give it back to their girlfriends or wives and it disfigures babies (many of whom are probably not even the bisexual man's). Very, very important! We need big syphilis warnings from the CDC! Very important! Very important! Very important! Very important info! Even if the doctor finds the syphilis in the fetus they usually cannot refuse to deliver the baby. Besides, a woman could give birth just days after she gave the newborn syphilis! Tragic! North Korea is like the worst place on Earth and has been so since the 1940's! Human babies are dying from this syphilis caused mostly by gays! Nothing worse than that! Very important! Ancient Greek Septuagint version of Genesis also puts water existing before the sun. Or google "Hebrew OT_Transliteration-Holy Name KJV"