MovieChat Forums > RockAway > Replies
RockAway's Replies
So it’s the same as when he lied about Mexico paying for the wall. Got it.
So he wouldn’t have been a conservative.
Michelangelo was totally gay.
I think it’s a reflection of how all sitcom husbands have treated their wives. In reality those women would have or should have left their husbands. The Honeymooners, Lucy, Everybody Loves Raymond, the Flintstones . . .I mean, just about any I can think of.
What war did Biden start?
I thought that it was republicans that were mostly pro-Israel? The public protesters against Israel have been on the left.
It hasn’t been proven that he did shower with his daughter but if he did that’s gross. However, it doesn’t make Trump in any way a good person.
Reading this, thank you for the link, this story is not how you portrayed it to be though.
I did search for ‘trump billions in free air time’ and ‘Hillary emails Trump free airtime’ and there is nothing. It’s a problem when your sources only come from YouTube or TikTok videos, I’m sure you know that though.
Do you have a link to where I can read up on Hillary giving Trump airtime?
You don’t fact check anything. You claim that the facts are ‘deep state’ or some other conspiracy against your beliefs.
They had no personal scandals much like President Bush, he’s a good family man and his family loves him. Again you claim some sort of conspiracy that the media hid his personal scandals. You have zero evidence of their supposed ‘fraud’.
Your 13 points are the ravings of a madman.
I don’t care if she were to be a man but she’s not and it’s so obviously a ploy by deranged republicans who want to say more nasty things about the Obama’s despite the fact that Obama is one of the only presidents that didn’t have any personal scandals.
BTW science supports the gender identity of transexuals so it really wouldn’t matter if I was on their ‘side’ or not. Facts don’t change because you don’t want to believe them.
You have thoroughly humiliated yourself by admitting how much you have bought into this and I honestly feel pity for you. It’s like telling a child that Santa isn’t real.
For what purpose? This is just so bizarre to me that anyone would actually believe this. You show just how gullible and weak-minded you are by falling for this stupid conspiracy theory.
It must be true because you’ve said it right? 🙄 why do you care so much about this? I really would like to know why you are so invested in this disgusting lie.
I don’t know why you aren’t embarrassed to show that you actually believe something like this? It is truly shocking that you think putting other people down makes you look good in any way.
Isn’t it enough for you to hate the Democratic Party without making up this shit?
This is disgusting. How on earth can you put this kind of garbage out into the world and actually think that you are a good or even decent human being?
How are feminists against equality and fair treatment? 🙄
There’s nothing lol about this.
They are going to these houses to rape children.
Because they don’t know that the child they plan to rape is a cop doesn’t make it entrapment.
It’s taking these men who would take advantage of a neglectful parent in order to rape a child off the streets! Good riddance.
That has become clear.