MovieChat Forums > RockAway > Replies
RockAway's Replies
lol I'd love to see you tell the KKK that they are liberals.
You HAVE NO EVIDENCE, for anything, ever. You just believe shit because you want to it doesn't matter what evidence there is. At least be honest with yourself.
lol Asking for evidence is only a problem for people who HAVE no evidence. This is embarrassing.
YOU are giving me opinions when I asked for facts. Repeating your unfounded bullshit doesn't prove anything. Give an example.
Yes! They look old as Hell even watching it today, what is the deal with people from Gen X aging so badly?
Prove that it's propaganda. You can't, because unlike you, fact checking provides it's sources so that you can do your own research. You just say unfounded dumb shit.
A fact denier? LMAO
-People who don't want to know the truth hate fact checkers
-Facts by their very nature are not opinions. Facts are based on verified evidence which you never have and don't seem bothered by which is even worse.
-Facts always either prove or disprove something. ALWAYS!
-Facts don't change, no matter what your bias is, they remain the same.
-Fact checking is the only thing we have to make sure that what we believe is based on truth . . .something you don't care about.
- PolitiFact is owned by the nonprofit Poynter Institute for Media Studies, and PolitiFact's editor-in-chief and executive director report to the Poynter president. PolitiFact had been owned by the Tampa Bay Times, but in 2018 direct ownership of PolitiFact was transferred from the Times to Poynter, which is the newspaper’s parent company. The move allows PolitiFact to function fully as a not-for-profit national news organization.
Prove me wrong. Oh that's right, you can't, because you don't believe in verifying anything.
I was not responding to the OP, of course it made Trump look good, that's why he did it . . . I should not have to explain any of this.
How was McCain a traitor?! That's a fucking stupid and ignorant thing to say.
Trump's Chief of Staff had TDS? He's the one who confirmed that Trump referred to soldiers as losers. We already know for sure that he called McCain a loser.
This article not withstanding, I don't believe he actually said that.
1. What?
2. Is it not the same with Conservatives? Do they not say hostile words to 'Libtards' and gloat? Perhaps you should understand that disagreeing with someones politics does not mean that your party wishes evil on the other, perhaps you DO wish evil upon 'Libtards' but I do not wish evil upon you.
3. I did not say that those were radical ideas and those are not the reasons he is hated. I believe you know that and are being silly, but if you do NOT know that, let me be clear He is not hated for his policies. He is hated for the reasons he was judged in court and for his careless words that have caused harm to others, for his lies and his treatment of our constitution on which this country stands.
1. It WOULD have an impact on my views, how many times do I have to explain that? You see things in either black and white. Things are shades of gray, while I would be relieved that he didn't say such a horrible thing, if he didn't say that, he has said other horrible things and those things MATTER. People are measured on the things that they say and do, because he may not have done ONE thing doesn't somehow make him a good person, why do you not seem to understand that? Very worrying.
2. Well I can't control what feeling you get. I don't feel that anyone should be marginalized, why would you think that? Do I have to like your political leader otherwise I want to oppress you? That is another worrying thought. I don't think that you want to marginalize ME because you don't like Biden.
3. He HAS done radical things that justify the opposition of him. You refuse to see what he has done and excuse his actions. I can't imagine that you would excuse Biden if he had done HALF of the things Trump has been tried and convicted in court for. You think he is on the side of working class whites? Why on earth would you think that? what has he actually done for working class whites that makes you believe he is on your side?
I didn't say it didn't mean shit . . .I said that it meant a lot and was a big deal!
I don't want ANYONE marginalized.
Why would you think that I want you marginalized because I don't like an extremely wealthy man that has shown nothing but indifference for anyone but himself?
No I wouldn't love and respect him! If he had more good qualities it might change my mind. It certainly would make him less despicable if he didn't insult fallen soldiers.
That's a big deal.
He's not done anything to prove he wouldn't have said it, especially after what he said about McCain.
Why would you ever assume that him not doing one awful thing would make me like him after he has a lifetime of evidence that he doesn't care about anyone but himself? I cannot respect a person like that.
He doubts it because it would have been pretty damn hard for a 'God child' to get to that point where they would be working in that area. I'm sure that that is a regular thing that they would do for any crime scene but Anton just doesn't expect it in that particular place.
There needs to be a Nazi Germany so people who think that is a good idea can go there and get away from the rest of us! Jesus Christ.
How did I not answer your question? Wow.
There are plenty of reasons not to like him, not many reasons to think that he's a good person. Why is it that you seem to believe he's a good person?
It absolutely would matter! It's no small thing to spit on the graves of fallen soldiers . . . what is wrong with you?