tinycatpenis's Replies

I watched this movie with a friend What movie are you talking about? 5 dollar milkshakes are unfortunately the norm in this hellscape we call reality. Pulp fiction was predicting this rise of president Trump and the insatiable greed of the 1% They made a Ghostbusters game awhile ago that took ideas they had for the third film and had everyone do voice work for it. That's about as close as we're gonna get. On the bright side Rick moranis wants to make movies again! Just the notion of this topic makes me dislike it even more than I already do. I winced when I read this. I winced. I watched an interview where dan ackroyd took a big dump on it and director Paul feig. But he thinks they had some brillant movie under all the B.S. Yeah, idk about that You should skip this one and watch battlefield Earth instead Opening car scene is one of the best in cinematic history. It's very difficult to overcome audience expectation when you open your movie like that. So that scene will be remembered, but nothing more Perhaps this was foreshadowing autonomous cars Oh Jesus... ಠ_ಠ I'm not disagreeing with you but I suspect gender politics play a larger role in this Peter sarsgaard or whatever his name is. He wrecked it I was maybe 15 or so. I rented it on dvd expecting, at best, a decent spank sesh. I was very surprised by how funny/entertaining it was. Lindsay was a very beautiful red headed actress and this was at a time before Emma stone. Hopefully she gets herself together and returns to acting but I'm afraid her looks might be gone forever. Thank you! Glad I don't have to do any homework 😁 This film is excellent and is very rewatchable, especially the director's cut. The effects will hold up less and less over time but that doesn't bother me. I think it was criticized heavily at the time because of baggage from LOTR. One of my favorite films to just put on and enjoy. Tin-tin might be its spiritual successor. The only thing that bothers me is the score. They awkwardly try to squeeze the main theme in certain scenes and it comes off almost as though Peter Jackson has contempt for the audience. Or another way to describe it, the audio engineer is like one of those guys who will stand a little too close to people The effects I saw in the trailer looked great; all the city destruction stuff, Tom cruise almost getting crushed by a bus, etc. IMAX would definitely be the best place to see it. Hopefully in the sequel he actually gets hit by a bus and turns into a daddy I was thinking the same thing when I was watching this. First red flag is that it seems to have been filmed in a relatively short amount of time. It would have been way moe interesting if it took place over a span of years to see how the dynamics change Not even a good boob scene as you don't see the entire nipple Even if the act of me seeing her nude was the catalyst to a global pandemic, I would still choose to look upon her. But you make a good point Hey man, not all of us can afford to go to fancy schools like you! :-p Idk if it would have been better to leave the whole engineer nuking scene out entirely, but I cannot understand how anyone could think that would leave audiences satisfied. It was borderline insulting