MovieChat Forums > moviebuff00 > Replies
moviebuff00's Replies
the jew fuck was bought. he said spiderman 3 was the best movie he ever saw or something like that. he also rated many movies that i found boring. so he's got some weird tastes. maybe he focus too much on being different and circlejerked boring indies.
sadly, i agree. the movie was extremely good for its time but upon rewatch, it was only ok. i'd probably give it a 7. maybe it's better if i didnt know the story. you should give it points for that because when you dont know what will happen, the story is better.
romans were gay as fuck and if it was 20 years ago, i'd say, depict it honestly. however, in this climate, it just reeks of an excuse for woke fucks to shoehorn gay shit in a movie. so no, today i would say dont show any gay shit in a movie. that's annoying.
you're all over the place. not sure which side you're on. anyways,
"women in battle is a big no no and should be at home making dem sandwiches"
why did you phrase it with a sarcastic tone as if this wasnt true? are women somehow warriors today?
and what makes you think i did? i would vote for any other republican except trump. i used to be a democrat but the party has gone too far left and now they're the party of helping fringe groups and women and not giving a shit about anyone else. the moment they chose kamala i knew they would lose. literally any white guy could've beaten trump but they wanted to shoehorn in their woke agenda soooo fucking bad that they put up another female candidate again. not only that, a black woman too. are they fucking dreaming? if mccain didnt get palin, he probably would've won and obama was the king of charisma. if obama ran against a charismatic man like clinton, he would've gotten wrecked. there is absolutely nothing a black woman could be or do to win this. the party was delusional. they should've picked newsom.
however, since i have no control over who wins, i might as well enjoy the good parts of trump's win.
live action is an easy way to cash grab. the fact that they added black people though tells me that the director has no strong vision. it's not going to be a good movie.
>request denied
ok this was funny.
and what makes you think it's irrational to be antiwoke? why is woke good? why is it moral?
finally jon ham finds his second role. he could only play the stiff guy but now he's got this stiff but kinda mean and evil too. i think that's the role he was born to play. he's amazing in this.
"14th African American woman to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics"
hahahahah. what a list. they digging deep to get this list up. literally right under it is
"15th African-American woman to earn her Ph.D. in mathematics"
hahahahaha. come on man. the fact that you're not embarrassed is fucking crazy.
yea, i think the radical feminist plan is working. i was starting to forget what extremely attractive women looked like. they wont let you see it in games and in movies anymore. you literally have to go back 20 years to see them. sometimes now when i see the cgi girls in asian games i'm shocked. they look unbelievably good. it's like, this is what extreme unattainable beauty is. the blue haired whales in america are probably fuming seeing it. meanwhile kpop is literally chasing the ultimate pretty girl. all 9s and 10s. they wouldnt even let an 8 into those groups. in america, we got 5s and 6s leading.
i'm not. you were annoying me so i asked that. i wasnt even sure you were gay until now. as for command structure, i'm not sure what structure they had in this show because it's MI6 but a police captain overseeing a case would not ask his detective what to do next. he sends the detective out to accomplish a goal, then the detective writes his report, then the captain decides what to do next. that was two situations in the show. the third one is the rich illuminati guy asking the woman what to do. why the fuck would he do that? he's the one that decides. she's not some specialist, she's the intermediary between him and the assassin.
fucking stop trying to normalize this vagina shit. their attempt at brainwashing isnt gonna work. women have never been able to found nations in the entirety of human history. they've only ever inherited kingdoms. today they're only given authority because men let them have it. if it was a true competition between everyone, women wouldnt even be in the running because they couldnt outcompete men. it's fine to show this fantasy sometimes in media but ALL the time? come on. that's fucking annoying. would it be fun to watch a story where every time it's a high intellect profession, the person was black? well, right now it's a fucking vagina.
it's not me being threatened. it's me being fucking annoyed that i cant enjoy realistic stories anymore. the problem with people like you is you can't seem to understand that when a person dislikes something, it isnt personal. it's rational. you think i'm threatened and that's why i hate it. no, i am not. i fucking walk outside, women still aren't doctors, engineers, cops, soldiers or 99% of the power jobs in america. it's a fantasy. anywhere where there's true competition and you can't simply be handed a position, women aren't there. why would i be threatened?
this post made me laugh so bad though. thanks. "somehow." hahahaha.
how many dicks did you suck in the navy?
i see. so you can't tell that trump is lying out his ass every time he opens his mouth? you think it's ok for a politician to sell merch and make money on the side? you think it's ok to influence government so his family can profit hugely from it? you think it makes sense for a president to support russia? they've been usa's enemy since the end of ww2. the list goes on and on. explain to me what is there to love about donald trump? did he actually get rid of all the specs and naggers in america? no he didn't. did he end all the special programs that give women an advantage in society? did he somehow return meritocracy to american workplaces and schools? did he drain the swamp of corrupt politicians? the man has done literally nothing that people voted him in for. i'm closer to the middle right nowadays but i'm being radicalized big time and i'm inching closer and closer to the far right every day. still i'm not a fucking idiot like you. just because some guy shows up and says all the things you want to hear, it doesnt mean he's actually on your side.
now what's irrational here is going to be your rebuttal that has absolutely no facts whatsoever.
that's it. i'm blocking you. you respond to almost every comment i make and it's always the most inane crybaby annoying shit. i'm leaving this up long enough for you to see it.
unfortunately, it's not great. it's archaic. everything is super slow. the jackal has a weird way of moving, almost goofy.
yea it was a huge wake up call for democrats. apparently they've removed their pronouns from their twitter handles now.
do you know how to fucking read? explain to me how we can talk about movies in 2024 without politics. i literally explained how we couldn't. prove me wrong.
am i? i'm pretty reddit the "tranny slipping pornographer" was leading the charge. i'm just one guy. reddit shoved it down the throats of probably 100m people every day.