Goliard's Replies

Sorry, I don't speak idiot. Tried a few times; I've concluded I can't help you. Shrug. Best of luck to you! YOU: Have no idea what my political leanings/musical tastes are Are clueless about Very Basic Life Facts Have a particularly skewed idea of what "sanity" means It's fascinating to watch you attempt to process information, and engage in rational conversation. Hm. I would say keep trying, but who are we kidding: you're hopelessly stupid. Really: You can go now. Again, too much verbiage. A simple "I'm a special kind of stupid" would suffice. Quit while you're behind. She's the biggest pop star on the planet, and a billionaire. But you think she's on the "out list." Cool. Although, you could've just said "I'm bad at thinking," and left it at that (shrug). I'm surprised how encouraged I am by this trailer. As many things there are to be wary of, there are an equal amount to be encouraged by. "Wait and see" is my current attitude. Fingers crossed. . . LMAO So is this another idiot desperate to complain about how poorly white people in America are treated by evil Hollywood? Regardless of all facts, evidence, logic and such? No matter what? Check. Looks good. I was initially convinced it would be a Banger for the soundtrack alone; now I'm genuinely interested in the movie as a whole. Cautiously optimistic. . . If you wanna feel OLD, recollect that this is the little girl from True Grit 🫣 I don't doubt it. . .you're (clearly) too stupid to know you're Stupid. Shrug. Ignorance really *is* bliss. Enjoy. You really are in slow class. "Bleating and blubbering" is what your wall(s) of text refer to, btw. Just FYI. In any case: you seem hilariously unaware that you're making my point: you just bleated about SEVERAL religions, all of which could as usefully been called "cults" at their inception. If you let your eyes drift up a couple posts, you'll see I said Exactly That: just about ANY religion can be painted with that same brush. Simple, yes? Of course not: you're a clown. Go sit down somewhere. LOL. . .you're amazing. Determined to make basic (wrong) assumptions, and incapable of processing basic facts. I'll repeat: your definition of "cult" is all about your recency bias, and lack of critical thought. Whether you "know about that" or not (shrug). Also: you clearly have no idea what "Christians today" consider to be a cult. Not even "generally speaking." But feel free to continue making a fool of yourself. Again: (shrug). It "causes problems" because it's simply not true. You can stretch the meaning of the word "cult" all you like, but the commonly-accepted usage today simply doesn't fit the claim you're making. Just because a "religion" is new/edgy/departs from established dogma, that does NOT make it a "cult." If you think about it, you could apply the same logic to ANY religion. Did they all start as "cults?" Absurd. Her music after JLP (as per YOUR earlier post): Supposed Former Infatuation = 7.4M Under Rug = 3.2M So called chaos = 1.5M Havoc & Bright Lights = 420k Flavors of Entanglement = 650k Again: the LEAST SUCCESSFUL of these projects sold *four hundred and twenty THOUSAND* units. I don't know you a lick, but I'd take out a second mortgage, cash in every one of my assets, and bet it ALL on the fact that you've never ever Ever achieved even a fraction of that. And here's the important part: Neither Have MOST People. Conclusion: for a random idiot online to say she's been anything other than an amazing success is. . .again. . .Incredibly Stupid. But hey. . .you do you. You seem determined to wallow in your confusion, no matter how many times simple facts are explained to you. Nobody. . .NOBODY. . who has ever sold *650 thousand* of ANYTHING in the history of mankind is anything other than a Phenomenal Success. And THAT was one of her Less Successful Projects. The woman has sold tens of millions of albums. And came out the gate with an immortal classic. To paint her as anything other than an incredible success story is incredibly stupid. And that's to say nothing of equating commercial success with artistic merit. Please, PLEASE: go sit down somewhere. You're making a fool of yourself. UNDERRATED Tim from The Office agrees with you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z8pgV74_Hw One of my favorite scenes from one of my Favorite series Seconded. It's one of the most visually impressive films I've seen in a long time; I'll probably go see it again just for the photography. Neither the story nor the acting would be reason enough for me to sit through another viewing, so. . .shrug. I'm not interested in changing your "thesis." I was bored, so simply pointed out your incorrect statement. Then added a couple amplifying facts explaining the contextual assumptions, stupidity and hypocrisy, then went about my day. Not bored any more, so. . .done w/this conversation. Shrug. Sigh. Shiera and Shayera Hol were the first two Hawkgirl/women characters. Then came Kendra Saunders, who has ALWAYS been Hispanic. Or Latino, or whatever the current acceptable lingo is (shrug). Point is: you (unsurprisingly) don't know what you're talking about. Hawkgirl's been "Latino" for the past Twenty Five Years. Conclusion: the bleating about "diversity/woke" is often a knee-jerk, absurd reaction to anything that's not straight, male, and white. I HATE race-swapping in CBMs, because I'm a purist: just put the version of the comic I grew up with on the screen, please. It's NOT HARD: the source material is literally a collection of storyboards. But it's clear that this is Not what most of the idiots bleating about these things are triggered by. Because NONE of them complained when Angelina Jolie played The Fox; and I happen to know for a fact that Halle Berry was available. #Period