CraigJamesReview's Replies

Bird flu has been around forever and I don't remember it being taken even half as seriously as it is now. This hatchet job you're referring to is something that both Obama and Clinton have proposed in the past. Doge itself was actually a past Obama project. This cost cutting method was a long time coming 7. This is why I hope it is in fact over. I believe 4 wraps it up nicely and I agree trying to make a 5th now feels like these characters not only really are too old for this shit but also that it's probably going to bring a lot more characters in, people we don;t know, and who are going to upset the chemistry among the cast in the hopes of possibly rebooting this franchise. It won't work and nostalgia is why. There's too much love for what Donner, Gibson, Glover and the rest put together here that trying something new now will feel too much like a betrayal of what made the past movies so enjoyable 1. I think the series ended up doing this fully in the third one and it was just part of what it was becoming now 2. Maybe. But I loved all these side characters though, thought they were always very funny and had a terrific chemistry with each other. The strange family they created was very likable and I think this one another thing the series just went with and coasted on 3. To this I say the action of the film is the juice. Even in the third one the villain plot was very strong but I still had a good time with it. Li became a star off this and I agree that he should have. But mostly the plot is just a clothesline to string action and funny character interactions on and both are quite good here 4. This is why i'm glad Donner ended here, and yes, they did end it very well here. I liked the ending scene in the hospital with everyone there and the pictures of them all. To me it has always signaled what the series ultimately became which is that these people have grown into a weird sort of family and that is what Donner wanted us to take away from it. I don't believe he ever wanted to do another one after this and I felt he did mean this final scene as a sentimental goodbye- a bringing together of the cast and all the fun they had with each other. I remember Glover also coming out and saying this movie was meant to be the last around this time too so maybe that has always stuck out in my mind every time I see this ending. 5. I mentioned this already but bascially it what the series became. More character interactions, comedy, and action than fresh plots. That this cast was so lovable together I think covered these deficiencies well 6. now sure how the TV show being a generic cop show reflects badly on this movie at all. at least an 8, one of the tautest paranoia thrillers out there with excellent Robbins and Bridges The script, acting, and costuming of Batman and Robin is an abomination but this is still worse. Somehow this manages to come off like a cheaper knockoff of its former movies than even that movie. Plus the whole Superman 3 thing is much worse than Batman Forever too. The Richard Pryor casting is atrocious its a comedy wasteland and not much in the way of an action movie either If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - dont know why I even bothered starting the second season. its still as abysmal as the first, maybe even worse it doesn't offer much of that either, as I said, but I;m assuming you've seen the film and disagree To me this is with a doubt the best butterfly effect movie out there, the movie that basically defined it and made it as thrilling as possible. It;s as good as the original. Three feels like we're walking on to one of those old western TV show sets. It's fun, but kinda in a breezy, low stakes way I think I can shed light on covid more than most doctors can. I've never gone through vertigo before this but dizziness has kinda become my life now, as has my arms and legs suddenly going numb with triggers I am still working out. I have heart issues, migraines, and all sorts of other issues. I thought I had gotten through this issues and thanks to some very very bad advice from everyone around me, I decided to get the vaccine as I thought it would prevent these things from happening again. Not even a week later the neurological symptoms had come back, I have some bladder issues now, and I also have to continue on with treatment for blood clots because the hematologist can't figure out why I got the thing in the first place. Now i'm someone who works out, runs, and eats as little sugar as I can. I've been going to doctor after doctor over several years and none can explain to me my I've been experiencing issues and every time you bring up Covid, or the vaccine to a doctor then most suddenly don't even want to talk to you any more. To my mind COVID is definitely real, vaccine injuries are real, the bioweapon theory seems very real, and the idea that doctors (including Dr. Fuckwit-ci) have zero clue how bad this thing was or what to do to stop it was very real too. Never do they seem like anything more than props and the idea here just seems to be make the film homoerotic without ever acknowledging anything about the band, who they are, or whether music was even the main idea of The Village People. Can’t be. This movie has about as little do with band formation and actual music as Bruce Jenner does trying to do comedy. I did learn a thing or two about Disco, not from this movie but in doing research. Disco Demolition Night sounds like it was fun and the fact it happened while this movie was filming, proclaiming Disco as the music of the future, is pretty hilarious. Ironically if that didn’t kill the genre, it’s hard to believe “Can’t Stop the Music” didn’t. This is so DOA in terms of music, so abysmally acted (many had to have been high on cocaine during filming), so asinine, illogical, silly, stupid, random and sloppy that it’s amazing any type of band film was ever made again. Nancy Walker would actually be the first woman to direct a multi-million dollar film but by the end of shooting this thing, she could barely even look at it and never directed a film again. But it has bare midriffs, glitter, and is godawful corny so it’s gotta have its share of cult followers. Just it’s hard to find much substance in this other than a treasure trove of unintentional comedy. But then again it did somehow produce its own ice cream flavor as well, so maybe that’s something too. Cinema thanks you! I think the movie was probably aimed at rowdy gays and their female hangers-on but even then it should have pulled back a little. Marilyn Sokol, playing a secretary to a music producer, devours men with her eyes in this movie like a tiger and wants to make up for all the indignities the Indian’s people may have suffered in “Roots”. That’s an example of the film’s intentional laughs . Frankly I thought the more unintentional and really poor choice of words next line of Perrine saying “ok, lets go whip these boys into shape” was much funnier. There isn’t an actor in this movie who isn’t embarrassing themselves. Gutenberg comes off like a spastic child- there’s never any indication that this doofus knows anything about anything. Perrine at least looks nice and the director seems to know that, especially in one slow motion scene that looks so bad I thought the dvd was malfunctioning. She;s mostly called upon to be a ditz, which seems to be a running theme because Bruce Jenner is in this movie for the exact same reason. Here to play an uptight love interest for her, he mostly is shown in multiple stages of undress or to get a hot lasagne accidentally thrown on his crotch. He gets to show his physical comedy stylings that served him so well on The Kardashians and that before he became a woman, he really was just a giant boob. This movie is over two hours long and that’s because time is devoted to some random lady getting stuck in a phone booth, or Bruce Jenner getting held up by an elderly woman, and in one of the few scenes where the acting feels appropriate, the Village People’s first big break comes in the form of a milkshake commercial. And between the magic bullet theory to the idea that Oswald was able to make that shot from where he was, the Warren Commission report has never made sense to pretty much everyone Its not pointless BS. Just because Garrisons theory was wrong doesn't mean he didn't bring up pertinent questions that we never got answers too. Garrison brought the case to court in the first place so I assume that's why Stone figured it should be all him. The film is not about absolute certainty, its about what we have a right to know from out government I said there seems to be solid proof behind the mafia having something to do with it- Jack Ruby having been involved with the mob, many testifying to the fact the mob transferred guns to Washington a couple days before the shooting, Hoffa wanting him dead, ect. There is quite a bit that points to it truth is not well known, but the outline of the case was researched well and the questions are glaring Ok it's not solid proof but there is more than enough reason to believe. there was motive for Hoffa to want to do it, there was eyewitness testimony, police and political coverups, death bed confesssions from mob bosses saying they were the ones that did it, What people don't understand about this movie is that even as most of it has been disproven, the questions it asks and the research done that clearly makes it out like there is more to it than what we've been told is undeniably worth asking and to me this is not only one of the best films ever made, but one of the best movies about politics, democracy, and the importance of critical thinking I've ever seen. It is a monumentally important film in my opinion