MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies

chefao's Replies

>But why is Korea/Japan so much worse than the western world? (or especially Korea) It's not that much worse: >Contraception, pornography, work culture, general societal change. All of these influences to birth rate have nothing to do with being gay. Yes but while this is an interesting topic it has nothing to do with my original point of gayness by definition being abnormal since it doesn't lead to healthy reproductive behavior. If you want to be abnormal then be abnormal, I don't care. Just don't pretend and create this fantasy where the abnormal is normal. >Do you think that the 80% of the population not subbed to Netflix have "checked out", and if so, did so specifically because they don't like woke content? No not the 80%, there's of course very young and very elderly people that don't really count here, but this idea that the whole nation and the whole world is glued to netflix is ridiculous, many people simply don't care and are checked out of pozzed media and yes I think many of them are annoyed by it and don't watch it anymore because of that, I know I am one of them and I know many others who are the same and watch mostly older stuff. >Not what I meant. Most TV shows aren't progressive or conservative. But since you characterize any TV show that shows LGBT people in a positive light as "progressive", and many are successful, that means that "go woke go broke" isn't really an inherent thing in terms of TV. I never said anything about "go woke go broke". I don't think that's true at all it's just a cringe cope by conservatives. You can alienate a vast population and still be profitable. I will voice my discontent and so will others. >It is true though that the alt-right sphere who rant on online TV shows are barely creatives. Almost every single modern music group or project, tv, film, video game would be more identifiable as being socially progressive than conservative. There's a reason the Daily Wires creative content is a joke. I know plenty of creatives who I have no idea if they are "right" or "left". I don't care. Those are the ones I like. You seem to think all of them are progressive for whatever reason. Also it's hilarious you bring up the Daily Wire as some kind of representative of right wing values when it's a gatekeeper organization run by jews. Oh oops I said the J word again, here I am noticing patterns and what mafia is running the show on both sides. >Third-world countries have more kids because the cultures there are much more domestic and agricultural. And a lack of contraceptions. >Poor people in Korea live quite differently to poor people in Nigeria. The cultures are fundamentally different. Yes, not only that but as you get rid of infant mortality the whole idea of having tons of kids stops making sense. The technological advancements are multi-faceted so I would never say this topic can be explained by one thing alone however I will say contraceptives are for sure the biggest factor. This is a material barrier that avoids the consequences of what is mostly inevitable biology for most humans. It is what it is. >But this doesn't have much to do with porn. I am sure South Koreans who know how can get porn, but restricting it seems to make little difference. I would be careful using this information to imply it would have the same effect on different societies (namely western ones) but it is interesting and worth noting, I am curious what the young men in these countries have to say about ease of access to porn. >Your thoughts on Koreas and Japans crippling work culture potentially contributing to this? It makes sense that it would be a factor but on the other hand there are plenty of other countries in the west who also have very low birthrates with a different work culture. Actually the 2022 birthrate list on the wiki lists countries such as Greece, Portugal, Italy and others all below Japan. My opinion on this is that for the first time in human history we now have to justify not entering the door of pure rational nihilism that previous generations were mostly not aware even existed, having to justify the good reasons on why building a family is a worthwhile project. Anyway this is a bit outside the scope of hating the gays which is what I am here to do lol Look up the definition of "mass shootings" and don't give me this excuse of "gang shootings". The reality is that mass shootings related to any sort of white supremacy ideology are very rare and extensively covered in the highly censored controlled media while racially motivated crimes done by blacks are covered up >Sex Education is one of Netflixs most watched TV shows. Why is this? What are you talking about, that's not even in their top 10. What is even your point by saying that netflix claims these shows had a relatively high viewership by people subscribed to their service this means what exactly? From a quick search the number of people subbed to netflix (according to them) in the US is something around 20% of the population. Do you understand there's a whole universe of 50+% out there who have checked out? I am speaking in their behalf. >What 'coincidences'? I'm sorry the TV and film industry has a progressive leaning. Sometimes it leans too far and we get garbage like Velma, but at the same time, almost no modern entertainment of repute is right-wing or socially conservative. I guess it's impossible for you to think about a world where movies aren't meant to be propaganda pieces for "the progressives" or "the conservatives" and are just meant to be art where people can get away from the world. And because they think like you do, it's why everything sucks these days. >Work-life balance and lack of disposable income is by far the most common denominator. You are aware of South Korea and Japan's crippling work culture, right? I think pornography is pretty banned in South Korea, ironically. If income was really the biggest problem then none of the poor people of the past would've had so many kids as they did. It is of course one of the dimensions of the problem, I don't deny that but I believe access to contraceptives and porn to be the biggest game changers compared to the realities of previous generations. I'm sure they can still get porn in SK by using vpns and some kind of black markets but I didn't know they banned porn, I'll look it up. I would say that children today are seen as a burden instead of a help and many people lack the will to want to build their own families to begin with. It's a crisis of meaning and purpose caused by technological advancements. >Don't suggest fascist ideas, and perhaps people won't call you fascist. What do you think are "fascist ideas"? How does not liking gays somehow relates uniquely to 1930's Italy? >Do you think "Jewish people" all specifically root for and push one particular ideology, and any instance where some Jewish producer in entertainment who may be specifically ideologically inclined is because has Jewish ancestry? No. Noone thinks it's "all", that's your oversimplification of things. If we go back a few decades and I say there's a problem with the Italian mafia subverting our society that doesn't mean I'm saying ALL Italians have some sort of genetic defect that causes them to be mafiosi. Isn't it interesting how we can freely talk about one but not the other? >What stat? Their birth rates? This widely reported. Why would they lie? China is outright homophobic. Are you aware of their laws? They lie, we lie, the truth is we can't really trust any stat coming from there. I already told you the word homophobic has no meaning so I don't know what you mean here and it doesn't really matter so it's irrelevant. >The terms are not remotely the same. Those are racial slurs, where as "homophobic" is a judgement about your attitude towards gay people. Phobia means irrational fear of something. Someone saying they don't want gayness to be promoted has nothing to do with a phobia as it is not a fear and it's not even irrational. Any sentence that utilizes that word is without meaning. I don't think you want to go over which demographic is very very disproportionately involved in mass shootings.... you can't handle the truth! >So the world is wrong and chefao is right. Yes. But it's not "the world" it's "your world". >So the world is wrong and chefao is right. Why does Euphoria, Heartstopper and Sex Education have excellent ratings on IMDB? People are not afraid to downrate crap on IMDB. Velma has piss-poor ratings. Lord of the Rings (Amazon) has not great ratings. Why does it have very high viewing figures, as indicated by the sources I've given? Only the people who are into gay stuff even watched that show to begin with? I didn't watch it and neither did a lot of people who have simply given up on these shows over the past years. >What violence have I incited your way? When you call someone a nazi or a fascist you are inciting violence. It's the same as when O'Reilly did the whole "baby killer" thing. Especially in today's day and age where violence and cancel culture against people who are anywhere on the right is so prevalent. >Your evidence here is "director is jewish therefore his only motives is to promote some zionist pro-gay agenda". It's blatant racism. Cool, I hope you hang around this site long enough so we can keep talking about all the other "coincidences" as they keep happening. The current demographic problem is unrelated. >And what constitutes "normalisation", and what in your mind should be done about that? Homossexuality and other deviant behavior shouldn't be normalized. We can start by making gay marriage illegal again for example and replacing the jews in hollywood who keep pushing these agendas. You would have to ask someone with political ambitions what should be done, I wouldn't know exactly. >No they are not. Me calling you a fascist or authoritarian is not calling for violence. In this context where I am anonymous it's not, but in a different context yes it is calling for violence. It's the same as when O'Reilly called an abortion doctor a baby killer and some guy ended up killing him. I don't care about you making up excuses or justifying it, I am just happy to let you know you're a scumbag for throwing those labels on people. >So because he's Jewish by ancestry that means his only purpose is to promote whatever the "Jewish agenda" is? This is textbook anti-semitism. This is one of many many examples of jewish people being over-represented in these positions and pushing for a certain type of ideology. Start paying attention and you'll see it everywhere. Again, you are using these weaponized meme words like antisemitism that don't mean anything, shame on you. >The worst nations on earth for birth rates right now are China, Korea and Japan. China is pretty homophobic. Korea and Japan are *okay* but not great. Russia has also kinda average child replacement rates (comparable to western europe) amongst ethnic Russians and it's incredibly homophobic. 1) Any stat coming out of China is unreliable. 2) The word "homophobic" is another weaponized meaningless term, it's impossible to engage in rational conversation with someone who utilizes dishonest weaponized meme terms like these. It's the same as if I start calling you a nigger or a faggot in the middle of the conversation for no reason, so already your whole point is senseless. 3) My point had nothing to do with the current situation when it comes to birthrates, you missed the point entirely. The birthrate problem is multidimensional and mostly caused by contraceptives and pornography, among other lesser causes. My original point was that gay people can't reproduce therefore their sexuality is by definition abnormal and shouldn't be promoted and pushed as normal. The current demographic problem Damn was it really that hard to find 1 (one) video to debunk the other guy? You got btfo dude "This would be your own personal definition. Plenty of LGBT-focused content has actually been a critical success in terms of viewers and reception in TV and film. " No it hasn't. Your metrics are all skewed, regular people are not allowed to publicly voice their opinion when it comes to these topics due to cancel culture. You have already demonstrated how this works in this conversation by calling me a nazi and implicitly inciting violence my way, now imagine how dangerous that is in real life. Even if it did, what does it matter? "No, but you've not done that with Jews." Cool, start noticing it yourself. This is perhaps the first time you notice it with this show, start paying attention and you will see it everywhere. "People calling you an authoritarian or fascist is the same as calling for gay people to be thrown from rooftops?" Yes. Both are a call for violence. "await evidence that the changing of attitudes in modern TV and film regarding LGBT (and other groups) is specifically down to Jews." I already provided the evidence for this one instance, the director of this show is jewish. "There's no real evidence that an increased acceptance of LGBT people has any meaningful impact on reproduction rates." Gay people can't reproduce. It really is that simple. I didn't state any correlation between one and the other that's you doing it because you are a dishonest person. If gays can't reproduce then their relationships are by definition destructive to the fabric of society. Is it a big deal? Not really. Should it be encouraged and normalized? No. "What makes being LGBT "deviant" except that it's less common (assuming that is terms of reference you are using "deviant")" Everything I have already stated prior, read it again. "I didn't choose to be straight. I just am. I don't find men attractive. Do you think gay people somehow always just 'choose' to find people of their own sex attractive?" How did you get to that absolute dumb idea from the part you quoted? Read it again and do it honestly instead of being a dumbass Why should I have to leave my country and my culture that you are trying to destroy? What we should do is split the country in half and have a national divorce. "This response is also ironically rather snowflakey of you." Ok, I guess I'll just copypaste your answer when gays are being thrown off rooftops, I mean you're ok with violence apparently right. "How does TV shows that show the existence of gay people "destroying culture"? How is it trying to turn everything into "one"? " You just keep on being dishonest over and over again. What's your problem? You asked me a broad question about jewish influence in media and their agenda/ideology and I answered honestly and you just bring it back to gays as if I was making a specific point instead of a broad one. Can you see how you are a dishonest person who engages in bad faith? Since you want to bring it back to the specifics (make up your mind) gay relationships are by definition destructive, society can only thrive on the shoulders of strong reproductive families who have an inherent interest in protecting the future for their children. Gay relationships are cultural suicide and funny enough that is demonstrated on this episode itself as these 2 gays end up just dying and leaving no children behind so they lived a pointless existence from an evolutionary and societal perspective. They have pretty much no impact whatsoever on the future of the world, meanwhile the people who are reproducing and having real families do, through their offspring. The ways they are trying to turn everything into one is by pretending as if deviancy and normalcy are the same, by pretending all races, ethnicities, cultures are the same. Gay relationships are just one example of this ideology in action, in the grand scheme of things this is just one aspect of it. We should not pretend as if people being gay or simply just choosing a non-reproductive lifestyle are the same as people who put out the effort to have families and who are building the future of the world. It's not the same, one of those things is objectively positive and the other is, at most, neutral. "being less successful viewing wise than Sopranos" 1) That's not true. 2) Noone cares. 3) Yes lgbt content is always a failure since its promoting deviant stuff so I consider it as a failure, define failure and success go ahead. "I have no reason to regard two men kissing as "deviant"." Ok. I do have a reason and have provided them earlier, so do other people. You not having a reason is irrelevant to me. "If you suggested the Italian mafia runs the world and has an global cultural agenda, then yes." If the italian mafia really was doing those things and I demonstrated it why would that be "antiblabla"? based black man, if only we were all like this Absolutely. All it took was for good men to do nothing. And we're tired of you. Maybe we could go our separate ways?